Our Commitment to You

We Reward Performance

Communications Consultant

In addition to a competitive base salary, employees are eligible for two types of annual bonuses: an individual bonus and a corporate bonus. 

The individual bonus is based on employees’ level of performance and their contribution to CMHC. Higher levels of performance and contribution result in successively higher levels of financial compensation.

The corporate bonus is shared by all eligible employees. This bonus is subject to an annual review of the achievement of corporate objectives.

We Invest in Professional Development

With the many career possibilities to choose from, learning and development opportunities can make the difference in your career progression. One in five employees enjoys a new career opportunity each year, by taking advantage of a temporary assignment, a lateral transfer or a promotion.

We support employees’ professional development. All employees create an annual individual development plan that fits with their career goals and advances their opportunities. Your manager is a key partner in helping you align your development plan, your career aspirations and the Corporation’s needs and priorities.

Some CMHC employees gather for one of the many in-house training sessions.

Your professional development needs are met through a variety of ways:

  • On-the-job training
  • In-house training
  • Temporary assignments
  • Leadership opportunities

In addition to providing these internal training courses, we reimburse employees for the cost of approved external training.


I'm Steve and I help to ensure that Canadians have the best-housed people in the world. It's great to see affordable housing being built all across Canada with the help of CMHC. Everyone needs a place to live and we help people find safe, affordable housing.

I'm motivated by the wide variety of work and the challenges that we have. The challenges range from helping our minister and our government decide on housing policy, to analyzing housing markets and making sure that we have the best housing system in the world.

I got to where I am CMHC by doing a wide variety of things. I've worked in housing programs, in mortgage insurance, in research, and in policy. There's a huge variety of things that people can do at CMHC, everything from finance, to marketing, to sales, to housing policy research.

CMHC offers a great culture, a great environment and we have great resources to help people grow their career.

Because what I do matters.


Here are some of the ways we invest in your professional development:

  • Official language training
  • Tuition fees for courses and professional accreditations
  • Professional membership dues
  • Conference attendance fees

Because What I Do Matters

“I would highly recommend CMHC to anyone. I particularly enjoy the diversity and the work/life balance. Plus, every year, they help us grow, provide developmental plans, and support our career aspirations within the corporation.”

— Sandra, Senior Policy Analyst, Ottawa

We Value Employees’ Well-Being


We understand that employees have many other pursuits and need to balance work and other responsibilities. As a CMHC employee, you will have access to a variety of leave options to help you manage your time, including the following:

  Acting Marketing Coordinator
  • Vacation leave
  • Family-related leave
  • Maternity/paternity leave
  • Compressed work week
  • Compassionate care leave
  • Leave related to critical illness of a child
  • Leave with income averaging
  • Self-funded leave

Our commitment to employee health and wellness goes beyond the traditional health benefits plan.

Our Wellness Flex Credit offers employees $400 per year to support their health and well-being. The credit can be used for the reimbursement of eligible physical activity memberships and registration fees.

Employees also have the option of using all or a portion of their Wellness Flex Credit to augment their insurance coverage, such as for health and dental care benefits. As well, a portion of the credit can be deposited in a Health Care Spending Account and used to offset any out-of-pocket health or dental care expenses.

The Employee and Family Assistance Program is a confidential counselling service for CMHC employees and retirees, their spouses and dependants. It is a multilingual service accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year round, either in person, by phone or via Internet. Employees have access to a range of services and information on a number of topics including health and wellness, child care, parenting, career planning, and financial and legal matters.

CMHC also organizes numerous events to support employee wellness. These include webinars and lunch-and-learn sessions covering such topics as mental health and environmental sensitivities or providing information on healthy food and lifestyle choices.

Because What I Do Matters

“It's a very collaborative environment. My colleagues come to me looking for my knowledge and experience in my subject area, and I do the same with them. Being able to support my colleagues in achieving their objectives is a great feeling.”

— Eleanor, Manager, Homeownership Policy, Ottawa



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