A Culture of Ongoing Learning and Professional Development

We support employees’ learning and development efforts to help build their career at CMHC. Employees are encouraged to further develop their competencies and acquire new skills, for both their current position and future career possibilities. As part of our continuous learning culture, our employees have access to different types of training opportunities, ranging from informal on-the-job training to internal and external courses.

Helping Employees Balance Work and Life

Employee well-being is at the heart of CMHC’s many programs and initiatives.

CMHC offers flexible working arrangements and a range of choices to help employees achieve work-life balance:

Because What I Do Matters

“What stands out for me is how the family and the work can be balanced. There's a great flexibility that's not available in many places, and is very important for me and my family.”

— Mervin, Aborginal Housing Advisor, Thunder Bay

Social Atmosphere

At CMHC, we work hard at achieving our goals. We also encourage active living, celebrating achievements and having fun in our workplace.

All of our offices have recreation clubs or social committees dedicated to ensuring that employees have opportunities to get together to celebrate and enjoy one another’s company throughout the year.

Two CMHC employees congratulate each other during the annual golf game.

You can enjoy a wide variety of social and sporting activities organized by employees, including:

  • Running and walking clubs
  • Toastmasters club
  • Official languages clubs
  • Sports teams (soccer, curling, floor hockey, skiing)
  • Barbecues
  • Golf tournaments
  • Cooking and baking competitions

Because What I Do Matters

“I was immediately struck by how much focus there is on your life outside of the workplace. At National Office, we have a gym, a library, a daycare and a beautiful campus. This is just not something you find in every company.”

— Nathan, Investment Officer, Ottawa


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