Corporate and Social Responsibility

  Senior Vice-President, Insurance

With a mission to make a difference in the lives of Canadians, we take corporate responsibility seriously. Our commitment to maximizing social and economic contributions and minimizing environmental impacts is embedded in everything that we do.

We have a Corporate Responsibility Advisory Committee made up of employees from across the Corporation that champions our corporate responsibility efforts. This committee is responsible for advising management regarding social, environmental and economic considerations in our corporate decision-making process and activities.

What Corporate and Social Responsibility Looks Like at CMHC

Social Contributions: Our mission is to help Canadians with their housing needs. We contribute to building stronger communities through investments in assisted housing programs and initiatives that improve the quality of life for families and individuals. For example, we provide federal assistance to help address the housing needs of low-income Canadians. As well, our employees give personally to their communities through the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign and other charitable causes.

Environmental Contributions: We are constantly looking at ways to reduce CMHC’s environmental footprint. For example, we integrated environmental performance considerations into the procurement process, such as dealing only with Forest Stewardship Council certified printers, to ensure we are following environmental best practices. A network of green teams at CMHC’s National Office and in each of the regions collaborates on initiatives to promote more environmentally friendly practices that include raising awareness, providing information and working with public transit services.

Economic Contributions: CMHC has a mandate to ensure that our commercial mortgage loan insurance and securitization activities contribute to the stability of the financial system, an important factor in long-term growth and prosperity. For example, CMHC’s mortgage loan insurance and securitization guarantee activities as well as its role in administering the legal framework for Canadian covered bonds help to support the housing finance system, which is vital to a healthy housing market.

Because What I Do Matters

“I know that I’m appreciated. I work with a really great team, in a great work environment. There are a lot of skilled people, and contributing to housing Canadians is a great goal.”

— Sabrina, Business Development Representative, Calgary



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