Premium Calculator

The CMHC Mortgage Loan Insurance premium is calculated as a percentage of the loan and is based on the size of your down payment.


Premium Calculator

The CMHC Mortgage Loan Insurance premium is calculated as a percentage of the loan and is based on the size of your down payment.

Calculation Results

Mortgage Details


Calculation Notes

The cost of the CMHC Mortgage Loan Insurance is in the form of a premium. It can be paid in a single lump sum or it can be added to the mortgage and included in monthly payments. Users should consult the disclaimer prior to using this tool. See Table of Premiums (opens in a new window) Typically, lenders require mortgage loan insurance for loans made to anyone that wishes to purchase a home with a down payment of less than 20% of the purchase price. However, lenders sometimes require mortgage loan insurance for homebuyers even if their down payment is greater than 20% of the purchase price. This calculator will return a premium amount regardless of the down payment amount entered.



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