Manual for Elected Councillors Responsible for Housing in First Nations

Manual for Elected Councillors Responsible for Housing in First Nations Communities (4mb PDF) - First Nations governments are formed by a Chief and Councillors who are responsible for making decisions on behalf of the First Nation and its members.

The following manual developed by FNNBOA is to provide general information to Councillors responsible for housing. 

Sponsors & Partners

Partnership development is extremely important in today's complex world, regardless of whether your interests lie in finance, education, health or building homes. Partnerships are critical, particularly so to an organization with ambitions like FNNBOA.

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Teleinspections for
First Nations Remote Communities

For most of Canada, conducting Building inspections is not a challenge. However, conducting inspections for new homes in many First Nations is not always possible. When this happens, homes are not constructed to national building code requirements and will need major repairs in a few years. This is especially a problem in First Nations remote communities. FNNBOA have developed teleinspections that uses electronic information and telecommunication technologies to support building code compliance. 

Learn more about teleinspections
