Habitat for Humanity Yukon: First House, Takhini River — Takhini River, Yukon

Habitat for Humanity Yukon: First House, Takhini River — Takhini River, Yukon 

“We need to look at innovative ways of being able to provide adequate housing for First Nations in Canada - no matter which way we do it. And partnerships are a great way of doing it.”
Irving Leblanc, Associate Director, Housing, Infrastructure and Emergency Issues Management, Safe, Secure and Sustainable Communities, Assembly of First Nations

In September 2012, Habitat for Humanity began building its “First House” on First Nations settlement land in the Yukon. A milestone project under Habitat for Humanity’s Aboriginal Housing Program, this is Habitat’s first build on First Nations settlement land in Canada, and is making homeownership possible for three low-income First Nations families identified by the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations (CAFN) and that meet Habitat’s normal partner family selection criteria.

Habitat for Humanity Yukon signed a partnership agreement with the CAFN in April 2012 to make affordable homeownership available to more families on their settlement land. By September, the “First House” project broke ground in Takhini River, located 50 kilometres west of Whitehorse.

The groundwork for this project was laid by a national partnership agreement between Habitat for Humanity Canada and the Assembly of First Nations in 2011. The partnership seeks to increase First Nations’ involvement in Habitat projects and enhance opportunities for First Nations people to realize their dream of homeownership and further their knowledge and skills applicable to all dimensions of housing, while adding to the housing stock.

“We need to look at innovative ways of being able to provide adequate housing for First Nations in Canada - no matter which way we do it. And partnerships are a great way of doing it.” – Irving Leblanc, Associate Director, Housing, Infrastructure and Emergency Issues Management, Safe, Secure and Sustainable Communities, Assembly of First Nations

Jay Thakar, National Manager of the Aboriginal Housing Program, Habitat for Humanity Canada, facilitated “First House” through local partnerships. CMHC is the founding national partner for Habitat for Humanity’s Aboriginal Housing Program, and the project also received Seed Funding.

“First House is a milestone project under Habitat Canada’s Aboriginal Housing Program, which promotes homeownership within Aboriginal communities across Canada. This is the first build on First Nations settlement land and we are hoping that many more First Nations will follow suit.” – Jay Thakar, National Manager, Aboriginal Housing Program, Habitat for Humanity Canada

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