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Speech | Chief Adjudicator calls for destruction of IAP records
June 25, 2014

Federal Government moves to destroy residential school evidence
June 25, 2014

Bid to destroy papers unwise
June 24, 2014

Contract on toilet paper slammed by Saskatchewan Law Society
June 24, 2014

Evidence of abuse in residential schools could be destroyed
June 24, 2014

Survivors of residential schools push back against document destruction
June 20, 2014

Residential schools top official seeks to destroy documents
June 20, 2014

Calls to destroy evidence from residential school survivors
June 19, 2014

Lawyer disbarred for allegations of misconduct while representing residential school survivors
June 23, 2014

Residential school documents must not be destroyed
June 19, 2014

Evidence of abuse in residential schools could be detroyed
June 19, 2014

Calgary lawyer being sued by residential school survivors disbarred
June 17, 2014

Alberta lawyer disbarred over fees charged to residential school survivors.
June 13, 2014

Lawyer resigns over accusations he treated residential school clients 'like cattle'
June 13, 2014

Law Society of Alberta | Media statement | David Blott Disbarred
June 13, 2014

House of Commons Debates
June 13, 2014

Statement – 6th anniversary of the Statement of Apology
June 11, 2014

Manitoba judge nullifies 'unconscionable' fees for residential school survivors
June 12, 2014

Residential Schools: The Pain that Keeps on Giving
June 12, 2014

Unconscionable and Unenforceable
June 11, 2014

Blott to resign: No guarantee of an apology
June 12, 2014

Documents related to St. Anne's residential school to be released
June 11, 2014

Winnipeg lawyer disputes residential school form-filling fees ruling
June 11, 2014

Residential School Apology Anniversary
June 11, 2014

Judge condemns taking legal fees from residential school survivors' compensation
June 10, 2014

Form-filling fees for residential school claims illegal: judge
June 9, 2014

Manitoba judge nullifies form-filling fees for residential school victims
June 9, 2014

Indian Residential School Settlements Under Investigation
June 9, 2014

Indian residential school claimants stalled by document search
June 9, 2014

Check out the Apology Dice
June 5, 2014

Compromise proposed on private records
June 23, 2014

Manitoba judge nullifies 'unconscionable' fees for residential school survivors
June 12, 2014

It’s time for Canada to honour the spirit of the 6 year old apology to IRS survivors
June 12, 2014

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