Man helps trapped baby horse as its mother looks on

David Ingram
Good News
March 29, 2016
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[Everyone just needs a little help now and again / Facebook]

A touching video of one man taking the time to help a defenceless baby horse in need has recently gone viral.

The Dodo has posted this video of a young foal who found itself trapped between two slats of a wooden bridge. It appears the tiny horse had unfortunately fallen through the pathway as it attempted to cross a stream with its mother.

The tiny horse can be heard in the short clip neighing in distress as its mother looks on helplessly, unable to free its trapped offspring.

Luckily, one man who came across the scene decided to help remedy the situation. As it turns out, all this baby horse needed was a simple push in the right direction. 

The man can be seen lifting the small horse’s legs free from bridge, and carrying the animal across safe and sound to the other side. The lucky baby is immediately greeted by its relieved mother before the two animals carry on their way. 

This simple yet meaningful gesture of kindness has really connected with an online audience. Since being posted to Facebook, the video has in less than 24 hours attracted over 2.5 million views and collected nearly 45,000 shares across social media.