  • Grant Cardone Shows Behind the Scenes of Success

    6,010 views 2 weeks ago
    Grant Cardone is rated one of the top most influential 10 CEOs in the world , author of 5 business books, international keynote speaker, and and an active CEO of five privately held companies that do 100m in sales.

    What is most interesting is Cardone is also a fun guy who is transparent and gives the world an unedited look at his life and business.

    http://www.grantcardone.com Show less
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  • Grant Rants Play all

    Grant Cardone ranting about current events, news, politics, sports, life, and so much more. New rants released every week so please subscribe to our YouTube Channel and stay tuned!
    • How to Persist - Grant Rant - Duration: 73 seconds.

      • 5 months ago
      Here is Grant's 2-cents in under two minutes.

      How much bone do you have? How much persistence, insistence and demand do you have to take care of your family?

      People used to have to go out and kil...
    • Get Your Money Right Grant Rant - Duration: 83 seconds.

      • 5 months ago
      For more click here:

      You know why that beach is empty? Because I went down there and said “Get up bitches, you ain’t earned the right to be on this beach. this ain’t your...
    • Why Companies Don't Train Their People - GrantRant - Duration: 96 seconds.

      • 6 months ago
      For more click here:

      Hey folks, quit training your people, it doesn’t work, it doesn’t last and you know there is no R.O.I. Return on investment. So just quit training th...
    • Advice on How to Live the Dream - Grant Rant - Duration: 118 seconds.

      • 6 months ago
      For more click here:

      Come on man, what are you doin? Who’s trying to convince you to take off this weekend? here is my motto,

      You grind while they sleep, you learn whil...
    • How to Build Self Confidence - Grant Rant - Duration: 3 minutes, 1 second.

      • 6 months ago
      For more click here:

      Hey Grant Cardone here to you today about some self confidence, where do you get your self confidence? You can’t buy it at the store folks. Can’t dre...
    • Must Watch - Tip on How to Get Your Money Right. - Duration: 2 minutes, 26 seconds.

      • 6 months ago
      For more click here:

      Hey, quit spending at target, and start spending it on your targets. Understand what i’m saying? you guys are spending all your money at target, wha...
    • How to Handle Negative Self-Talk - Grant Rant - Duration: 105 seconds.

      • 9 months ago
      Hey what are you saying to yourself? What if you everything you said to yourself came true? What if every thought you had came true? Well I thought that would be good because I am rich. Then I...
    • The Gate Keeper - Grant Rant - Duration: 119 seconds.

      • 9 months ago
      I want to talk to you today about the Gate Keeper. You guys that are hating on the GateKeeper are hurting yourself. You are not hurting the Gatekeeper you are hurting yourself. First off, the...
    • How to Handle Burnout - Grant Rant - Duration: 84 seconds.

      • 9 months ago
      Hey burnout how many of you are saying to yourself burnout, "how do I handle burnout Grant?" Look you are not a candle how the hell can you burnout if you are not a candle? People say Grant you bu...
    • Life Ain't Fair - Grant Rant 195 - Duration: 2 minutes, 4 seconds.

      • 1 year ago
      Grant Rant - Life Ain’t Fair

      Why would you be surprise when something bad happens to you?

      Grant Cardone: Life ain’t fair and neither is business. Look, you can literately do all the right things;...
    • Why You Don't Deserve Anything - Grant Rant 199 - Duration: 97 seconds.

      • 1 year ago
      Nobody deserve anything.

      Grant Rant: Brutal reality in life and business, you are not owed anything, entitle to anything and don’t deserve anything. I know this is like “Oh my god, you are going p...
    • Bad Business Policies - Grant Rant 181 - Duration: 117 seconds.

      • 1 year ago
      Can you imagine having a name tag that says "Grant Cardone, we can't do that."

      Grant Cardone: We can't do that. This is the policy your company uses when is convenience not to provide good service...
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  • Grant Cardone Live TV, Seminars, Interviews, and Podcast Play all

    New York Times Best Selling Author, Entrepreneur, International Sales Expert and Motivational Speaker, Grant Cardone's unique and dynamic live seminars and events offer expert insights on business, career, finance, sales and motivation.
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