  • Recent Episodes Play all

    • Creatures of Light - Duration: 53 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      NOVA and National Geographic take a dazzling dive to explore how and why so many of the ocean's creatures light up-revealing a hidden undersea world where creatures flash, sparkle, shimmer, or simp...
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    • Himalayan Megaquake - Duration: 53 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      On April 25, 2015 a devastating earthquake rocked Nepal, wiping out villages and leaving thousands dead. Through eyewitness footage, expert interviews, and stunning graphics, NOVA reveals the anato...
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    • Mystery Beneath the Ice - Duration: 53 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      Krill are tiny, shrimp-like creatures crucial to the Antarctic ecosystem and, maybe, to the future of all oceans. Join the research ship Polarstern in the vast Antarctic ice pack in search of ice c...
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    • Life's Rocky Start - Duration: 53 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      Four and a half billion years ago, the young Earth was a hellish place—a seething chaos of meteorite impacts, volcanoes belching noxious gases, and lightning flashing through a thin, torrid atmosph...
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    • Secret Tunnel Warfare - Duration: 53 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      During World War I, the Allies devised a devastating attack, planting 600 tons of explosives in secret tunnels driven under the German trenches. NOVA uncovers traces of the operation and why it fai...
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    • Inside Einstein's Mind - Duration: 53 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      On November 15th, 1915, Einstein published his greatest work: general relativity. The theory transformed our understanding of nature’s laws and the entire history of the cosmos, reaching back to th...
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    • CyberWar Threat - Duration: 53 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      Thanks in part to the documents released by Edward Snowden, the true scale of the National Security Agency's scope and power is coming to light. Besides spending billions to ingest and analyze the...
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    • Secrets of Noah's Ark - Duration: 53 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      Using instructions from an intriguing, 3,700 year-old inscription, a team of historians and expert boat builders investigates a fascinating flood legend and sets out to rebuild a tantalizing, ancie...
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    • Arctic Ghost Ship - Duration: 53 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      160 years ago, the Franklin Expedition to chart the Northwest Passage vanished. NOVA is on board as a Canadian team makes a breakthrough discovery of one of Franklin's lost ships--a vital new clue ...
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    • Dawn of Humanity - Duration: 1 hour, 53 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      NOVA and National Geographic present exclusive access to an astounding discovery of ancient fossil human ancestors. Deep in a South African cave, a special team of experts has brought to light an u...
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    • Nuclear Meltdown Disaster - Duration: 53 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      Four years after one of history's worst nuclear accidents, NOVA reveals the minute-by-minute story of the Fukushima nuclear crisis and its ongoing aftermath, told by the brave workers who stayed be...
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    • NOVA - Chasing Pluto - Duration: 53 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      NOVA captures New Horizons' historic flyby of Pluto, the culmination of the spacecraft's nine-year, three-billion-mile journey to reveal the first ever detailed images of this strange, icy world at...
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  • Popular Episodes Play all

    • Oklahoma's Deadliest Tornadoes - Duration: 53 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      From PBS - On May 20th 2013, a ferocious F5 tornado over a mile wide tore through Moore, Oklahoma, inflicting 24 deaths and obliterating entire neighborhoods. It was the third time an exceptionally...
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    • Manhunt - Boston Bombers - Duration: 53 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      From PBS - At 2:50pm on April 15, 2013, two bomb blasts turned the Boston Marathon finish line from a scene of triumph into a scene of tragedy, and a city gripped by heartbreak and terror. Less th...
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    • At the Edge of Space - Duration: 52 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      From PBS - Between the blue sky above us and the infinite blackness of space lies a frontier that scientists have only just begun to investigate. In At the Edge of Space, NOVA takes viewers on a sp...
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    • Cold Case JFK - Duration: 52 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      From PBS - For decades, the assassination of John F. Kennedy has fueled dark rumors of conspiracies and mishandled evidence. Now, fifty years later, NOVA asks: Could modern investigators do better?...
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    • Creatures of Light - Duration: 53 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      NOVA and National Geographic take a dazzling dive to explore how and why so many of the ocean's creatures light up-revealing a hidden undersea world where creatures flash, sparkle, shimmer, or simp...
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    • Sinkholes - Buried Alive - Duration: 53 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      In Tampa, Florida, in February 2013, a giant hole opened up under the bedroom floor of Jeffrey Bush, swallowing the 36-year-old as he slept. His body was never found. Bush was a victim of a sinkhol...
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    • First Man on the Moon - Duration: 53 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      Everyone knows Neil Armstrong was the first to set foot on the moon. But this modest and unassuming man was determined to stay out of the spotlight, so the rare combination of talent, luck, and exp...
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    • Colosseum-Roman Death Trap - Duration: 53 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      The Colosseum is a monument to Roman imperial power and cruelty. Its graceful lines and harmonious proportions concealed a highly efficient design and advanced construction methods that made hundre...
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    • Big Bang Machine - Duration: 53 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      On July 4, 2012, scientists at the giant atom smashing facility at CERN announced the discovery of a subatomic particle that seems like a tantalizingly close match to the elusive Higgs Boson, thoug...
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    • Megastorm Aftermath - Duration: 52 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      From PBS: In October 2012, Superstorm Sandy cut a path of devastation across the Caribbean and the East Coast of the United States, killing hundreds and causing tens of billions of dollars in damag...
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    • Ground Zero Supertower - Duration: 52 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      From PBS - NOVA returns to Ground Zero to witness the completion of One World Trade Center. As the superstorm Sandy bore down on New York, many feared that the still-incomplete structures would be...
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    • Vaccines - Calling the Shots - Duration: 53 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      From PBS and NOVA - Diseases that were largely eradicated in the United States a generation ago—including whooping cough, measles, mumps—are returning, in part because nervous parents are skipping ...
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