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  • FDA Expands Prescription Label for Abortion Pill

    • FDA Expands Prescription Label for Abortion Pill - Duration: 51 seconds.

      • 17 hours ago
      The FDA agreed to allow more access to the abortion pill Mifeprex.
      The decision will likely make the pill, manufactured by Danco Laboratories, easier and cheaper for women to purchase.
      The Food and...
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  • Premature Births Linked To Air Pollution Cost The US $4.3B A Year - Newsy

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  • Unvaccinated child contracts measles; Nevada City school closed due to case

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  • Nation's First HIV-Positive Organ Transplants Play all

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  • Zika Virus Reported in AZ Play all

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  • Hospital hack: Virus infects Medstar health system computers

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  • Patty Duke speaks frankly about her crippling manic depression

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  • Flu season starting late in Colorado

    • Flu season starting late in Colorado - Duration: 95 seconds.

      • 1 day ago
      3.29.2016 Denver 7's Kristen Skovira found out the flu is hitting Colorado late this year, just in time for Spring Break.

      The Denver Channel, 7News, brings you the latest trusted news and inf...
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