Dear Abby

  • Mom's Body Piercings Are Becoming Targets Of Ridicule

    DEAR ABBY: My sister and I have no interest in body piercing (except our ears), but we have seen it on friends and are not impressed. However, our 44-year-old mom got her nipples pierced and has started wearing jewelry there!Our parents are divorced and she's not in a relationship right now, so…

    Dear Abby
  • Parents Of Teenage Cutters Must Listen And Not Judge

    DEAR READERS: I promised "Heartbroken Mom From Anywhere" (Oct. 5) to print letters from readers offering suggestions about helping her teen daughter, who is a cutter:DEAR ABBY: I am a 33-year-old woman who has cut for many years, starting early in high school. What concerns me is the mom doesn't…

    Dear Abby
  • Decision To Circumcise Causes Festering Anger

    DEAR ABBY: I am a young man who is currently in college. When I was an infant I was circumcised, and I feel violated that my parents decided to circumcise me without my consent. When the doctor performed the surgery, he took too much off, which causes me pain.When I was in grade school, I was…

    Dear Abby
  • Child's Guardians Will Decide Who Has Contact With Girl

    DEAR ABBY: In 2004, my husband and I were contacted by a friend who had gotten into an abusive relationship and lost custody of her daughter. She asked us to go through social services and adopt her little girl, so at least she would know her baby was loved and well taken care of.Long story short,…

    Dear Abby
  • Old Friend's New Schedule Leaves No Time To Catch Up

    DEAR ABBY: One of my close friends may be "ghosting" me. "Sarah" and I have known each other since middle school. We went to high school together and roomed together during our freshman year of college. We both transferred to different schools after that freshman year, but we made it a point to…

    Dear Abby
  • Dad Is Disturbed By His Ex's Revolving Door Relationships

    DEAR ABBY: I was in a six-year relationship with a woman. We shared a home and have a child together, whom I support. She has primary custody, and I provide financial support and exercise my visitations regularly. We broke up six months ago and she immediately moved a man into the house. Since they…

    Dear Abby
  • Wife Has Doubts About Man Donating Sperm To His Brother

    DEAR ABBY: My husband and I have a 19-month-old son and plan on trying for another baby soon. My husband's brother, who is sterile, called and asked my husband to donate sperm to him. I am very upset because my husband refuses to ask his brother to make any kind of compromises to protect our family…

    Dear Abby
  • Booklet Full Of 'Keepers' Is Sure To Give Pleasure

    DEAR ABBY: I have lost my copy of the "Letter From Your Pet," the essay that is written from the pet's viewpoint to his master, assuring him it is the right thing to do when it is time to put the pet down. Is it included in your "Keepers" booklet? If so, how can I order a copy? -- RUTH IN THE…

    Dear Abby
  • Mom Taking Step Into Dating Is Tripped Up By Daughter

    DEAR ABBY: I'm a single mom in my 40s and my daughter is 12. After my last relationship, 10 years ago (not with her father), I took a leave of absence from the dating world to concentrate on myself and being the best mother I could.Fast-forward: When I attempt to talk to anyone of the opposite sex,…

    Dear Abby
  • Couple Torn Apart By Lies Must Try To Face The Truth

    DEAR ABBY: I have been married for 14 years. My wife is a liar and lies about small things. I realized it about 10 years ago and have tried to reason with her. We have two daughters, and the older one is like her mom and also has a habit of lying.Over the last few years I have started calling my…

    Dear Abby
  • Friends Are Stymied On How To Help Wife In Bad Marriage

    DEAR ABBY: How can I help a friend who needs to stand up for herself and file for divorce? Her husband is in a high-profile job that's connected with hers. He has been having an affair with a co-worker for years, and he is verbally and sometimes physically abusive. She has called the police twice,…

    Dear Abby
  • Overlooked, Underappreciated Student Struggles To Fit In

    DEAR ABBY: I'm having trouble with my daily life. I have become more reserved and rarely even look at people. All I do is my schoolwork. I have lost trust in quite a few people over the years, including most of my family members. My parents have taught me to trust almost no one and to always be…

    Dear Abby
  • Mom Prefers Being Home Alone Over Hanging Out With Friends

    DEAR ABBY: My son is driving me crazy. He's worried because I don't have friends I hang out with. He said it's not normal for a woman to not want to have friends. I say it is. He said if Dear Abby says I'm OK, he will let it rest. I work with people between 50 and 70 hours a week. I have more than…

    Dear Abby
  • Sibling Estranged In Life Opts To Remain Estranged In Death

    DEAR ABBY: I've been estranged from my three siblings, their spouses and their families for 35 years -- my choice. There has been no correspondence, and I have seen them only at our parents' funerals.Since we are all in our 80s, I anticipate there will be funerals for us in the next decade. If I go…

    Dear Abby
  • Man Looking At Gay Porn May Be More Than Merely Curious

    DEAR ABBY: I've been with my fiance for three years and I'm very much in love. A few months ago I asked to use his phone to look up something on the Internet because my battery had died. It opened up to a gay porn site! I was shocked and asked him if it was something he was looking at. He admitted…

    Dear Abby
  • Couple Sharing Household Should Share Expenses Too

    DEAR ABBY: I need some relationship advice. How do you handle household expenses with a partner? My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for 10 years. In all this time, he has never once split any of the expenses with me. I pay for everything. He does buy groceries, although not all of them.…

    Dear Abby
  • #1 Dating Site for Singles 45+

    Don’t know how to meet singles near you? This is the place for you.

  • Couple's Divergent Interests May Result In Future Split

    DEAR ABBY: My husband of 12 years and I have few common interests. I am earthy, nature-loving, people-loving and crave a rural lifestyle. He's an introvert, loves everything Western, enjoys his downtime and watches a lot of television. He dislikes animals and is a sports fanatic.I don't criticize…

    Dear Abby
  • Woman's Bad Times Are Made Worse By Family's Desertion

    DEAR ABBY: I recently realized I have a fair-weather family. My husband got in trouble with the law and is now in a drug treatment facility. This had been hard on me, but I love him. His crime was being in possession of illegal drugs that were intended only for himself. His family has turned their…

    Dear Abby
  • Younger Kids Are Jealous Of Family's New 'Daughter'

    DEAR ABBY: My wife and I have been married 20 years and have three children, ages 10 to 17. Our oldest is a senior in high school. Her best friend, "Maya," is a friend of the family we have known for 10 years. Maya's parents have been divorced for as long as we've known her. She lives with her…

    Dear Abby
  • Grade-School Talk About Sex Needs Guidance From Parents

    DEAR ABBY: My daughter is in fifth grade at a very small, rural school. She's outgoing and makes friends easily. My problem is, when she comes home from school, she tells my husband and me about the conversations the other fifth-grade girls are having. Most of them involve boys. However, recently…

    Dear Abby