The Canadian Race Relations Foundation
March 2016 Newsletter
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March 2016
Hello, March! Spring is coming, and with that, some great new events and updates from the CRRF. 

In recognition of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on March 21, this year's Canada Lecture goes coast-to-coast (Read more below). 

As Canadians, we must strive to be inclusive of others around us and break down barriers. On March 21, join the conversation and tweet at us @CRRF using the hashtag #IDERD. Tell us how you think we can work towards building more tolerant and inclusive societies. 
What's on this month
Metropolis: The CRRF is taking part in the Metropolis Conference in Toronto on March 3 and 4. 
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Canada Lecture: A live broadcast on location from four universities on March 21. 
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Living Together Symposia: We're heading to Red Deer (March 22) and Hamilton (March 29) for our knowledge-sharing events!
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Check out the Upcoming Events page for a complete list of our events and workshops. 
CRRF Initiatives
Calling all young writing and filmmaking enthusiasts! The CRRF launched the 2016 Youth Challenge, a story-writing and video challenge for youth (up to 18 years old) across Canada. We're looking for entries that explore young Canadians' perspectives on Canadian values. 
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Looking to take part in a virtual book club? The CRRF's eRACE interviews explore themes about race relations, multiculturalism, citizenship and Canadian values in the context of a specific book.
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We're always on the lookout for authors to interview and feature on eRACE. Get in touch with us if you're an author and would like to discuss your book.
February: 150 Stories
Léonie Tchatat: For the love of Canada
"The Canadian values of multiculturalism, solidarity and sharing are values that I believe in deeply. As long as you have desire and persistence, nothing can stop you from becoming what you want to be in Canada.”
Aisha Alfa: Celebrating a united and diverse history
"I am not white. I am not Black. I am not a colour. I am a joyful, authentic, vulnerable, honest, funny, strong, wise, powerful woman with amazing parents and a wicked afro."
Neil Pasricha: Do you remember bank calendars? 
"Just remember how lucky you are,” my dad used to say. “All those pictures are from your own country. It’s the best country in the world and you get to live here!”
Jean Augustine: From Happy Hill to Parliament Hill
"We’ve seen a lot of changes over the years as a result of a simple motion to recognize February as Black History Month."
What's your story? Be part of the CRRF's 150 Stories collection!
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In case you missed it...
The CRRF launched the latest version of its Directions Journal
Click here to order a copy.

In February, we featured stories focusing on Black History Month, outlining the countless ways that Black history has shaped Canadian society, values and institutions. 
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CRRF this month
Anita BrombergAs Black History Month closes, we move right into the month of March, when we will be marking the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on March 21.

In February, we were inspired by the stories of the Black Canadians we featured as part of our 150 Stories initiative and many others. Each have, in their own way and fields, contributed to the richness of Canada's diversity and to the ongoing effort to confront racism and build inclusion.

The core of these messages remains ever vital and relevant as reports of racist incidents continue to surface. Whether it be unfair treatment in stores, harassment at schools, or racist posts on social media, we must each of us take a stand against racism. We must speak out when we witness intolerance, and reach out across barriers to build on Canadian values.

Join us as we continue the dialogue during our many events.

Anita Bromberg, Executive Director, CRRF
Follow Anita on Twitter @AnitaBromberg 
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