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    DARE to investigate the slaughter of the british Ex-BBC presenter in Turkey??? AS USUAL, she committed "SUICIDE"!!!!!! Fuck you all, in my life I have never seen any journalism as sleazy, dirty, and as professional liars as you "Britts" Seriously the world would be much cleaner if you were never there !!!!!!
    The Guardian is racist.
    Henry Saito
    Rupert Neate, why will you not come on here and defend you horrible video?
    Henry Saito
    Very childish behavior at SHOT show 2016. I am glad to have seen your badge taken away!
    Henry Saito
    Every hour I will respond back to your horrible coverage of SHOT show 2016. Why can't you answer my question about Bourman?
    Animie Luvr
    Hey! I was wondering could you make a video of you doing the Manor? Since you made the thing you should be able to get through it right?
    The Guardian: a vehicle for racism.
    Yep. The ‘Hierarchy of Hate’ for the Crazy Left (ie: Guardian) is simple:  (i) Humanity is the bane of the Natural World, (ii) the West (typified by America) is the bane of Humanity, and (iii) White, Straight, Christian, Capitalist men are the bane of the West and thus by derivation, humanity. This is why 90%+ of their articles are vicious attacks on this last group. To them racism is perfectly fine, as long as it's against whites. They don't even begin to recognize this hypocrisy.
    o+sj Productions
    Thank you for making the great videos of people with disabilities. Why though do you feel the need to use subtitles when they are speaking English??
    Check us out for Breaking and Exclusive News. Thank you.
    Ram Rod
    Guardian strikes back....WITH FALSE DMCA TAKEDOWNS.......Wow that's liberal......not.....What a cunt nest!
    Boycott the Guardian they block any who defends Israel or criticizes Bradley Manning
    Ram Rod
    Everyone in the Guardian should get HPV, starting with that putrid cunt, Valenti. Oy Guardian, I piss on your whore mothers, twatcunts. 
    Divorce Lawyer Surrey
    Not my choice for any type of news
    sean leech
    Some bland videos but some crackers also. The ones I consider bland are the ones on Climate Change. No one can argue that humans do not have an effect on Earths climate but their effect is small compared to the Sun and Universe control over our climate. For instance the latest research shows that a less dense atmosphere with lower Oxygen levels can lead to higher temps. Don't forget the output from the Sun dictates our geomagnetic field and atmosphere.
    Jam Christa
    I didn't know GuardianISIS were on Youtube. 
    They recently released an article which tried to say that ISIS "has nothing to do with Islam." It was a corker, they tried to defend suicide bombers and everything. Almost as hilarious as their "British culture doesn't even exist and I don't want it to" and "cultural Marxism doesn't exist, and if you think it does then you're an anti-Semite." They make TYT seem mature in comparison. PS: It's so interesting how the Crazy Left has made an open alliance with jihadist Islam, which would happily behead them and destroy their lofty trans-sexual ideals if given the chance. The two are joined together only due to their fanatical hatred of Western civilization, and their lust to destroy it at all costs.
    Michael Fratello
    Hey kill yourself you trans freak this is the weirdest fucking channel I've ever seen
    You must be a fool to believe these Leftist Cunts
    Paul Morris
    The Guardian. Islamic appeasing, anti-British supporters of white genocide. Wankers.
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    That's What You Get For Waking Up In Vegas
    +Paul Morris I agree with you!
    +trippinonbud tippinonbud, can't stand reality apparently.
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    Politics, history and society of world powers - USA, Russia, China
    Politics, history, society, military, news, economy of three the most powerful countries in the world of 21st century: USA, Russia, China. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCO_kTEpr3M-gMNNvbNKigw
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