  • GuardianWitness : An Introduction

    13,752 views 2 years ago
    GuardianWitness : An Introduction

    Subscribe to the GuardianWitness channel - http://bit.ly/ZxgdZG

    GuardianWitness, is our new home for content you've created. You can send us videos, pictures and stories and browse materials submitted by other contributors.

    We'll be suggesting assignments. Choose one and use your phone's camera to shoot video or take a photo, or upload something you've saved previously.

    We'll publish all suitable contributions on GuardianWitness and feature the best ones on the Guardian. Assignments will be updated regularly so check back for new opportunities to participate or send us an idea for assignments you'd like us to run.

    You can also take part in a live blog. Just look out for the GuardianWitness contributor links. Don't wait for us to prompt you, we're always looking for unreported stories we can follow up for the Guardian. This is your opportunity to help shape the news.

    Posts will be reviewed and suitable contributions will be published on GuardianWitness, with the best pieces featured on the Guardian site.

    Share your view of the world: https://witness.guardian.co...

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    We've been asking for Lego fans – of all ages – to share their creations. Here are some of the best videos so far. If you'd like to get involved then click on the link to go to GuardianWitness http://t.gu.com/BVc8D
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  • Spoken word Play all

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    New bands and solo artists -- we want to hear your music
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  • Stand-up comedy - make us laugh! Play all

    Stand-up comedy - make us laugh!

    It may have a reputation as the natural home for Penguin outtakes and trumpet-trolling, but from Sunday 17 May YouTube is launching its first-ever Comedy Week. Share with us short video clips of you performing your own material, whether it's a couple of original gags or a brief stand-up routine -- but they have to be your jokes and yours alone! Dazzle us with your sparkling repartee, and we'll feature a selection of our favourites on guardian.co.uk/stage
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