• Obama gives Ukraine full backing

    Joins interim PM in sternly warning Russia that Ukraine will not surrender its sovereignty.

    AFP37 mins ago
  • NYC building explosion leaves 2 dead, 22 injured

    Two people are killed, at least 22 injured in NYC building explosion.

    41 mins ago
  • Ohio grand jury indicts 9 Greenpeace activists

    A southwest Ohio prosecutor announced felony indictments Wednesday of nine Greenpeace activists linked to an eye-catching protest at the Procter & Gamble Co. headquarters in downtown Cincinnati. The nine ...

    Associated Press50 mins ago
  • FAA warning on 777s linked problem to mid-air breakups

    Months before Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 mysteriously vanished, US regulators warned of a "cracking and corrosion" problem on Boeing 777s that could lead to a mid-air breakup and drastic drop in cabin pressure. The revelation comes amid a desperate search for traces of the plane with 239 people on board, which lost contact with air traffic control at around 1730 GMT Friday, about an hour after take-off from Kuala Lumpur en route to Beijing. "We are issuing this AD (Airworthiness Directive) to detect and correct cracking and corrosion in the fuselage skin, which could lead to rapid decompression and loss of structural integrity of the airplane," the Federal Aviation Administration said. During a sudden drop in cabin pressure, the crew and passengers can become unconscious, leaving no one at the controls of the affected aircraft.

  • Police: Md. mall shooter may have had Columbine fixation

    MARRIOTTSVILLE, Md. (AP) — A man who killed two people at a Maryland mall in January before killing himself acted alone, had no connection with his victims and may have had a fixation with the 1999 Columbine High School shooting, police said Wednesday.

    Associated Press
  • Obama: Russia could face 'costs' over Ukraine

    Warns against taking aggressive path in Crimea after White House talks with Ukrainian PM.

    Associated Press
  • Ukrainian PM at White House for talks

    Meeting with Obama likely to anger Russia, which views new government as illegitimate.

  • Bill Clinton campaigns for Chelsea's mother-in-law

    HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Bill Clinton is wading into a hotly contested U.S. House primary in Philadelphia and its suburbs to raise money for Marjorie Margolies, the mother-in-law of Chelsea Clinton who is running for a seat two decades after she lost it.

    Associated Press
  • Luxury shooting ranges cater to new gun culture

    The "guntry clubs" sprout in gun-friendly locales across the nation.

  • Malaysia not sure which way lost jet was headed

    Officials acknowledge they don't know which direction the plane was heading when it vanished.

    Associated Press
  • Obamacare tested in Florida special election won by GOP

    The Republican victory in Florida's special election Tuesday serves as an example for future battles over Obamacare.

  • Merkel and Putin square off over Crimea

    The German chancellor is considered one of the few leaders Putin will deign to hear out.

  • San Francisco firefighters stop big blaze spread

    SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A fire that barreled through an apartment building construction site sending up black smoke that could be seen for miles around the San Francisco Bay smoldered into Wednesday morning as authorities worked determine what sparked the destructive blaze.

    Associated Press
  • CIA-Senate dispute: Who's spying on whom?

    Complex story starts with waterboarding and ends in a secret CIA facility in Virginia.

    Christian Science Monitor
  • Pistorius trial: Bullet-holed toilet door in court

    PRETORIA, South Africa (AP) — A South African police officer swung a cricket bat at Oscar Pistorius' bullet-marked bathroom door during his murder trial on Wednesday, using two key pieces of evidence to re-enact the night he killed his girlfriend.

    Associated Press17 mins ago
  • Obama calls for a 'rethinking' on Crimea vote

    WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama expressed a glimmer of hope Wednesday that a referendum on the future of Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula can be halted, as he met with the new leader of the former Soviet republic.

    Associated Press56 mins ago
  • AP PHOTOS: Deadly blast levels 2 Harlem buildings

    Smoke billowed into the air, debris was hurled onto elevated railroad tracks and windows were shattered a block away when an explosion leveled two apartment buildings in East Harlem on Wednesday.

    Associated Press
  • Honor student who sued parents returns home

    ROSELAND, N.J. (AP) — The New Jersey honor student who sued to get her parents to support her after she moved out of their home has reunited with them, and the family is now asking for privacy.

    Associated Press56 mins ago
  • White House told of CIA move against Senate aides

    WASHINGTON (AP) — The CIA's director and its top lawyer told White House attorneys in advance about their plans to file an official criminal complaint accusing Senate Intelligence Committee aides of improperly obtaining secret agency documents, the White House confirmed Wednesday.

    Associated Press13 mins ago