Here’s Why Captain Marvel Will Change It’s Origin Story

Ryan Leston11 August 2016

It looks as though ‘Captain Marvel’ is getting a bit of an overhaul…

In an interview on Any Time with Vin Forte, scriptwriter Nicole Perlman explained why ‘Captain Marvel’ is getting a big change to her big screen origin story. And it might have something to do with Ryan Reynolds.

“Here’s the thing,” she explained. “If you were just going to do a straight adaptation of the comics, her origin story is very similar to Green Lantern. And obviously, that’s not what we want to do.”

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The comic book origins feature an alien with amazing superhuman abilities travelling to Earth and bestowing those abilities upon the human, Carol Danvers. And that does indeed sound a lot like Hal Jordan’s origin story in ‘Green Lantern’.

Of course, there’s a pretty BIG reason for Marvel to differentiate ‘Captain Marvel’ from its DC counterpart - the ‘Green Lantern’ movie was a massive flop.

Starring Ryan Reynolds, ‘Green Lantern’ is considered a camp, cheesy romp through the DC’s cosmic universe… and despite appearances from the usually-brilliant Mark Strong and Blake Lively, the ‘Green Lantern’ movie just couldn’t be saved.

And it’s rightly considered a bit of a laughing stock.

“There’s a lot of reinvention that needs to happen,” said Perlman. “And also, she’s her own person and she’s a great character. We have to be aware of what’s happened in other Marvel film and makes sure that her particular storyline is unique and fun and also fits in within this world that’s going on at the same time. It’s a little bit of an interesting story gauntlet. It’s been good to have a partner. It’s been an incredible experience. If we can pull it off it could be an incredibly important but also really fun and kick-ass superhero film.”

Obviously, it’s not just movie which Marvel is avoiding – ‘Green Lantern’ has a long and celebrated comic book history. And with Green lantern set to return to the big screen in 2020, it seems like a good idea to give ‘Captain Marvel’ a more original backstory.

But will the fans get on board with such a drastic change?

“I don’t think I’ve ever had a project where I’ve been more mindful about the impact that it could have and the importance of it,” said Perlman. “[Captain Marvel is] such an incredibly kick-ass character and Kelly Sue DeConnick did a great run with her story arc recently.”

How will Marvel handle Carol Danvers’ origins?

For now, we have to wait and see… but it’s going to be an interesting adaptation.

‘Captain Marvel’ heads to cinemas on 8 March 2019.

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Picture Credit: Marvel, WENN.