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How to Maintain Your Scruff
How to Cure a Hangover
Make Amazing Summertime Cocktails
How to Sneak Booze Into an Event
How to Kick Ass at Flip Cup
How To Remove A Bra
How to Pair Wine With BBQ
For The Win - How to Open a Beer With...Anything
For The Win - How To Buff Up For The Beach
For The Win - How To Make Beer Cocktails
For The Win - How to Gut and Deep Fry a Fish
For The Win - How to Make Your Own Beef Jerky
For The Win - How To Build A Fire Without Matches
GUYDE REPORT Spring 2011
For The Win - How To Build A Deadfall Trap
For The Win - How to Build a Survival Kit
For The Win - How to Tie a Bow Tie, Easy
For The Win - How to Take a Punch Like an MMA Pro
For The Win - How To Make Killer Grilled Cheese
For The Win - How to BBQ Ribs
For The Win - Win a Fight With One Punch
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Made Man
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Jan 17, 2011
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3 weeks ago
MadeMan is an online men's magazine dedicated to giving guys the info they need to live life well. If a guy wants it, we cover it: cool products for your office or pad, good eats and drinks for your belly, and smart advice on everything from beating a speeding ticket to scoring a hot model. MadeMan‚ where wise guys go.
Los Angeles, CA
United States
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MadeManDotCom uploaded a new video (2 days ago)
Vinnie and Trent from LA's The Proper Barbershop ( show For The Win host Mike Capes how to maintain his "I don...   more
MadeManDotCom uploaded a new video (1 week ago)
For The Win host Mike Capes shakes off a bender to show you
five fool-proof ways to cure a hangover. Sadly, one involves sardines.
Happily, one invol...   more
MadeManDotCom uploaded a new video (2 weeks ago)
For the Win host Mike Capes shows you how to make four classic (and classically great) summer beverages—the Mojito, Vodka Collins, Tequila Sunrise ...   more
MadeManDotCom uploaded a new video (3 weeks ago)
For The Win host Mike Capes explains how to smuggle your favorite adult beverages into summer concerts and sporting events using a half dozen surpr...   more
MadeManDotCom uploaded a new video (4 weeks ago)
You may already know how to play flip cup. But do you know how to show off and show up your opponent while doing so? For the Win host Mike Capes an...   more
Channel Comments (38)
tritanproductions (1 week ago)
You suck!
iwanttocrashmybike (2 weeks ago)
More Organic Mixes!!
iwanttocrashmybike (2 weeks ago)
Epic,I will box you bro;-)

Peace & Strength,
BeatriceSteinberg (3 weeks ago)
How do I sneak in a comfortable seat!
StidFaces (3 weeks ago)
Come see my dick and sub!!
littlefairygirl1 (1 month ago)
oh yes baby
Danciatko (1 month ago)
Hai boys ! :)
OCUBOX (1 month ago)
You don't accept invites, That SUCKS!, at Least IGNORE! :P
miamihumor (1 month ago)
Nice beer vid! SUB'D
Sub back for Music video parodies, movie trailers, food challenges and more!
Rhemthebest (1 month ago)
look at my cool vids on my channel lol
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