How To Block Users on Twitter

Blocking users on Twitter

We provide all Twitter users with the ability to block other users. Blocking prevents a user from following you, sending you an @reply or @mention, or putting your account on any of their lists.

To block a Twitter user:

  1. Log in to your Twitter account.
  2. Go to the profile page of the person you wish to block.
  3. Click the person icon (highlighted below). This brings up a drop-down Actions menu.
  4. Select Block from the options listed.


Blocked users can't:

  • Add your Twitter account to their lists
  • Have their @replies or mentions show in your mentions tab (although these Tweets may still appear in search).
  • Follow you
  • See your profile picture on their profile page or in their timeline

Please note: that if your account is public (i.e., not protected), your Tweets will still be visible on your public profile page.

We do not notify a user when you block them, but because they will no longer be able to follow you, they may notice that they've been blocked.

Unblocking Users

If you change your mind, you can easily unblock a person by clicking undo from the blocked user's profile page:

Un-following and Reporting Accounts as Spam

In addition to blocking other users, you can also unfollow other users, or report other accounts as spam. Please see those help pages for more information on each of those functions.

Having Trouble?

Our Troubleshooting pages for Following issues have answers to common problems.

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