Sometimes the following list gets a little unwieldy. Luckily it's as easy to UN-follow someone as it is to follow them. On this page, learn how to:

  • Unfollow from your Following Page
  • Unfollow from a Profile Page
  • Turn off Device Notifications from your Phone (does not unfollow)
  • Reasons to Unfollow someone

Note: Removing someone from your following list means that you'll no longer receive their updates on the web or on your phone.

Unfollowing from your following page

To trim down your list:

  1. Click the following link near your username
  2. From the Followers tab, simply hover over the green checkmark, which will turn to a red 'X'.
  3. Clicking this button will unfollow the desired user.


Unfollowing from the profile page

You can unfollow a specific person by clicking the green follow button beneath their photo on their profile page. As shown in the image below, the button will turn red and read 'unfollow' when you hover over it. Clicking the button will complete the process and unfollow the user.


Turn off device notifications from your Phone

You can stop getting a user's updates via text message by sending LEAVE username, or OFF username, from your phone, like so:

  • off candice
  • leave candice

Note: This does not unfollow the user! If you no longer wish to see their updates on the web, must unfollow them via web or mobile web, using the steps shown above. You can change your reply settings to filter out unwanted replies, and your device settings per person if you don't want to receive text updates from everyone.

Why would I want to Unfollow someone?

  • For any reason (we won't tell!)
  • Typically, users unfollow other users when they no longer wish to see a that person's Tweets in their timeline, but may still want to view them on an as-needed basis.
  • When you unfollow a user, you can still view their updates by visiting their profile page (unless their account is protected.)
  • If you are unfollowing a user because their updates seem like spam, please read our guidelines on reporting spam on Twitter.
  • If you want to make sure another user cannot follow you, please read our instructions on blocking users on Twitter.