The Tweet Button encourages users to share your website by posting a Tweet containing a link to your content. Read on for more information about this feature and how you can use it.


What is the Tweet Button:

The Tweet Button is a simple web tool that allows users to post a Tweet to their Twitter profile from any website. Tweets posted using this button are pre-populated with a shortened link to the webpage from which the message was sent (your website). Users have the freedom to customize the Tweet's content before posting it. After posting their message, users are given the option to follow your and other related Twitter accounts, all without ever leaving your website.

How it benefits your website:

Users love to share and discover great content from across the web via Twitter. This button encourages them to share your website and to follow your Twitter account in the process. You'll increase traffic to your site and develop a larger Twitter audience.


How to put the Tweet Button on your site:

  1. Go to
  2. Customize the Tweet Button – choose the shape and size of the button, create pre-populated text for the message, and confirm which Twitter accounts you'd like to suggest to users. The main account will become an @mention in the Tweet. (By default, we'll use the account to which you're logged in.)
  3. Paste the code into the html of your website wherever you would like the button to appear.
  4. Done!

Note: The optional Tweet counter for your button captures a sum of all Tweets and retweets of your content, so you can watch the message spread as people share it.

Check out this video to see the Tweet Button in action:


The Tweet Button is available for all websites. We’re pleased to announce the following companies have included the Tweet Button on their pages as part of our launch:

AddThis.jpg ask_com.jpg AZCentrral.jpg cbsdotcomlogo.JPG cincinnati.jpg Cracked.jpg ehow.jpg eventbrite.gif Freep.jpg gawker_media_logo.jpeg huffpost_3lines.png huluTM_355.jpg indystar.jpg Livestrong.jpg onion_logo_02_L.jpg Redfin.jpeg SFGate.jpg sharethis_logo.jpg skynews_hd_logo.jpg Tennessean.jpg TheDesMoinesRegister.jpg threadlesslogo.png TIME.comRed_k_tw.jpg tvg_logo_200x200.jpg USATLogo.jpg wpcom-textonly-rgb.jpg WUSA9.jpg YBlogo.jpg yt_logo_transparent-01.png

  • For more information about using the Tweet Button, please click here.
  • For more information on deepening your website's integration of Twitter features, visit