Canadian Council of Ministers
of the Environment

Le Conseil canadien des ministres
de l'environnement

Current Priorities


Air pollutants have the potential to impact environment and human health both locally and across political and geographic boundaries. Governments across Canada pursue active programs on air issues both individually and collectively. Through CCME, governments have engaged in a variety of activities directed at specific air issues, such as acid rain, ozone-depleting substances, and standards for toxic substances to improve air quality and achieve health and environmental benefits.

In 2012 ministers of the environment agreed to implement a new Air Quality Management System (AQMS) to guide work on air emissions across Canada.  AQMS is intended to provide a comprehensive approach for improving air quality in Canada.  AQMS includes Canadian ambient air quality standards (CAAQS), base-level industrial emissions requirements (BLIERs) and the management of air quality through local air zones and regional airsheds. Currently, CCME's focus is on developing CAAQS for nitrogen dioxide, supporting the deployment of advanced transportation technology, reducing in-use diesel fleet emissions and providing guidance on vehicle tampering issues. 

CCME's Air Management Committee  is responsible for implementation of many elements of AQMS and for reporting on CCME’s various commitments on air issues.

Standards, progress reports, guidelines and codes of practice on air issues can be found in the resources section of this site.

AQMS Stakeholder Engagement

One of the key elements of the Air Quality Mangement System (AQMS) is the involvement of stakeholders in both the development of the system, and review of its implementation.…