Canadian Council of Ministers
of the Environment

Le Conseil canadien des ministres
de l'environnement

Current Priorities

CCME enjoys the comparative advantage of undertaking work that no one else can do, or work to which it can provide a unique contribution or is particularly suited. CCME does not duplicate the efforts of others. Items on the CCME agenda must be Canada-wide and intergovernmental in nature, and of interest to a significant portion of CCME member jurisdictions. To focus its resources and make real progress, CCME limits its agenda to a small number of issues per year.

CCME’s current strategic priorities are:

  • Facilitate interjurisdictional cooperation on climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  • Develop and implement the Air Quality Management System.
  • Implement a vision for water to ensure that Canadians have access to clean, safe and sufficient water to meet their needs in ways that also maintain the integrity of ecosystems.
  • Develop tools, data and best practices to help reduce and recycle waste.
  • Increase jurisdictional capacity to manage contaminated sites.

CCME also continues a broad range of other important work, including:

  • Reporting on Canada-wide Standards.
  • Monitoring implementation of the Canada-wide Strategy for Municipal Wastewater Effluent.



Air pollutants have the potential to impact environment and human health both locally and across political and geographic boundaries…

Climate Change

Climate change will affect all jurisdictions in Canada. Federal, provincial and territorial ministers recognise that addressing climate change is a shared responsibility…

Contaminated Sites

Human activity has left contaminated sites throughout Canada. Since 1989 CCME has developed and maintains guidelines and tools for contaminated site management…


Waste management is the collection, transport, processing or disposal of waste materials, usually produced by human activity, in an effort to reduce their effect on human health and the environment.…


Water is an essential natural resource that shapes regional landscapes and is vital for human well-being and ecosystem functioning. Management of water in Canada has evolved in response to the changin…