Gifts of Archives and Published Materials

Scottish immigrant mother and her children upon arrival
Scottish immigrant mother and her children upon arrival

Library and Archives Canada’s (LAC) outstanding collection of documentary heritage reflects the achievements of Canadian society, as it includes archival and published material of all types that relate to our country's history and culture.

LAC continues to enrich its collection through legal deposit, purchases, agreements, disposition of Government of Canada records, and from donations by individuals, organizations and associations.

What donated material does Library and Archives Canada accept?

LAC is interested in material that is:

  • created or published in Canada, regardless of subject, language or format; or
  • created or published outside of Canada, provided the author or subject is Canadian or has national relevance.
Letter from John Moodie to Susanna Moodie
Letter from John Moodie
to Susanna Moodie


Donations may be collections or individual items and can include books, periodicals, films, videos, photographs, manuscripts, maps or architectural plans, portraits or other works of documentary art, sound recordings, musical scores, microfiche or microfilm or, digital material. 

Why make a donation?

By offering your donation to LAC, you help enrich the national collection, ensure the preservation of documentary heritage and contribute to the passing of knowledge from one generation to the next.

What if your donation is not accepted?

LAC cannot accept every donation. Various factors such as the offered material’s uniqueness, age, rareness, condition, relationship to other material in the collection, and restrictions on access or use are considered in the final decision.

In accordance with our mandate, we only accept materials published in Canada, or abroad by Canadian authors, or on a subject related to Canada. Documents that do not meet these criteria will not be returned to the sender.

LAC may also suggest that it is more appropriate to direct your offer to provincial or regional archives, or other heritage centres.

How to donate material to Library and Archives Canada

Before contacting LAC, prepare a list with a brief description of the material you wish to give. Include information such as titles, authors or creators, place of publication or creation, publication dates or age, physical condition and the number of items. Then contact LAC by email at or by calling 819-934-5793.

Your offer will be assessed by staff according to LAC’s evaluation and acquisition policies and guidelines. Accepted material will be subsequently described and added to LAC’s holdings.

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