
Most Library and Archives Canada (LAC) publications are available as either Web pages or Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files. To view PDF documents, you must have Adobe Reader installed on your computer (downloadable free of charge).

Corporate management and reporting

Financial reports and statements

Business reports and plans

Corporate strategies

Library and Archives Canada publications

Public Opinion Research Reports

Library and Archives Canada is responsible for posting separate English and French final reports and executive summaries for contracted public opinion research on the Public Opinion Research Reports website.

Archived publications

Older publications can be found in our Government of Canada Web Archive site and in the Electronic Collection.

Government of Canada publications

Visit Government of Canada Publications for publications produced by us and other government organizations.

Joint publications

National, Provincial and Territorial Archivists Conference (NPTAC)

The following documents have been produced by this organization, of which LAC is a member.

Order a publication

To order printed copies of any publication, please contact the Liaison Centre.

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