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    Bare (Dry/Wet)

    Road surfaces can be dry or wet, but are clear of snow or ice.

    Partly Covered

    Road surfaces have snow / ice-covered or snow-packed sections. For example, there may be sections where drifting snow has covered parts of the lanes or where the road centre is bare.


    Road surfaces are completely covered (snow or ice) with little to no bare sections from one end to the other.


    Road is closed because road surfaces are impossible to travel due to continuous snow fall preventing snow removal or due to a collision.


    Major incidents that may significantly impact travel at the specified location.

    Multiple Items

    More than one construction or incident/event taking place in close proximity of each other.


    Road is closed because road surfaces are impossible to travel due to continuous snow fall preventing snow removal or due to a collision.

    Halifax Harbour Bridges

    Details related to the condition or events that are taking place on the Halifax Harbour Bridges.

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