The Nova Scotia Legislature

The House adjourned:
June 16, 2017.

The Speaker is the presiding Officer of the House of Assembly. He presides over the proceedings of the Assembly, maintaining order, regulating debate in accordance with the rules and practices of the House, and ensures that all viewpoints have the opportunity of a hearing.

The Speaker does not take part in the debates of the Assembly and only takes part in a vote to cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie. He is the guardian of the privileges of the Assembly and protects the rights of its Members. Outside the Chamber, the Speaker is the only representative of the House and the sole embodiment of its prestige and authority. The Speaker has jurisdiction over all matters concerning Province House. He is the Chair of the House of Assembly Management Commission, the body responsible for regulating services to Members.

The Speaker decides questions of order and rules on questions of privilege after allowing appropriate debate. Decisions of the Speaker are not debatable or subject to appeal except by a substantive motion after proper notice has been given.

Speaker's Administration Office
