Government of New Brunswick


This grant program will provide up to $2000 to support organizations in their efforts to increase physical activity, healthy eating, community connections and innovative learning experiences in New Brunswick’s after school hours programs.


To be considered for funding, your program must align with the After School Hours Grant Program goals and eligibility criteria and include activities from each of the 4 main components:

• physical activity
• healthy eating
• community strengths
• learning experiences

Your program must also be led by a New Brunswick organization that is committed to furthering the wellness of New Brunswickers. The types of organizations may include schools, networks, coalitions, municipalities, not-for-profit organizations (local, regional, provincial), associations and private businesses such as day cares or preschool programs. Individuals are not eligible to apply.


New Brunswick enjoys the support of many groups and organizations that contribute to New Brunswick’s Wellness Strategy and its vision of a healthy New Brunswick where, together, we learn, work, play, and live in a culture of wellness.

As part of the department's support for the Wellness Strategy, the Wellness Branch provides funding for community based initiatives which support mental fitness and resilience, healthy eating, physical activity and tobacco-free living.

Many communities, organizations and individuals are already working hard to make a difference, to make New Brunswick stronger and healthier. The After School Hours Grant Program supports organizations in their efforts to increase physical activity, healthy eating, community connections and innovative learning experiences in New Brunswick’s after school hours programs. An After School Hours Program refers to any child and youth recreation-based program that is offered during the school year, and demonstrates after school opportunities for school aged children (5-17 years old), including children with disabilities, with a minimum of 3 days per week and 2 hours per day, during the priority time frame of 3pm – 6pm. In general terms, they are intended to offer all school-aged children affordable opportunities to be active, pro-social and engaged in fun activities while building positive relationships.

Grant applications for the After School Hours Program will be accepted throughout the year, providing funds are available. Eligible applicants can receive up to $2,000 in grant funding.

For more information, see the Application Guide.

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