
Subscribing to news releases from the Manitoba government and independent offices is easy.

Check the subscribe box beside any of the groups listed below, enter your email address and click on the "Subscribe Now" button at the bottom of the page.

Step 1: Choose the news releases you want to receive.

Note: If you already receive releases from one or more departments, you don't need to subscribe to those news releases again when you request a new one. Just check the box next to the news releases you would like to add.

All News Releases
If you subscribe to this group, you do not need to subscribe to any other department or office's news release groups.
Agriculture Health, Seniors and Active Living
Crown Services Indigenous and Municipal Relations
Education and Training Infrastructure
Families Justice
Finance Sport, Culture and Heritage
Growth, Enterprise and Trade Sustainable Development
Independent Offices
Elections Manitoba Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba
Manitoba Auditor General Manitoba Ombudsman
Public Utilities Board of Manitoba    

Step 2: Enter your email address

If you have subscribed to all government news releases, you will receive an email to which you must reply to confirm your subscription.

If you have subscribed to news releases from individual departments or offices, you will receive an email for each subscription. You must reply to each of these emails to confirm each individual subscription.

Step 3: