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  The Battle of Beaumont Hamel 


has kindly granted permission to
transcribe the Appendices of the book titled

"What became of Cpl Pittman"
by Joy B. Cave.

The author would like to make it clear that the first four Nominal Rolls are completely the work of Mr. V.H.B. Snow, District Director of Veterans Welfare, and Miss Wheeler, of the Department of Veterans Affairs in St. John's.

    Appendix 5, the Roll of Honour containing details of the resting places of those killed on 1st July, 1916 (as in Mr. Snow's Nominal Roll No. 1) was compiled by the author, by kind permission of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

    Appendix 6, containing the details of the graves of those men who died later of wounds received at Beaumont Hamel, or who died in actions just previous to the attack, was compiled from information supplied by Major C. Sydney Frost of Toronto.

    I gratefully acknowledge the help given by Mr. Snow, Miss Wheeler and Major Frost, and would point out that no part of these lists may be reproduced unless permission is sought from the Department of Veterans Affairs in St. John's.


  The Appendices 

Appendix 1 KILLED Nominal Roll of those members of the RNR who lost their lives as a result of the attack at Beaumont Hamel on 1 July 1916.
Appendix 2 WOUNDED Nominal Roll of those members of the RNR who were wounded as a result of the attack at Beaumont Hamel on 1 July 1916.
Appendix 3 ROLL CALL Nominal Roll of those members of the RNR who answered Roll Call following the attack Beaumont Hamel on 1 July 1916.
Appendix 4 OTHER Nominal Roll of Other members of the RNR on strength as of 1 July 1916.
Appendix 5 ROLL of HONOUR  Details and resting places of men of the RNR who died on 1 July 1916.
Appendix 6 ROLL of HONOUR  Details and resting places of men of the RNR who were wounded on 1 July 1916 and who died later of these wounds. The actual date of death is in brackets.
Appendix 7 ROLL of HONOUR Men of the Newfoundland Regiment who died just previous to 1st Luly, 1916, or who were killed or died of wounds in the French raid on 28th June.

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Military Records Contact: Daniel B. Breen

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