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Excerpt from the Hand Book, Gazetteer an Almanac
Edited by J.R. Smallwood

Donated by Don Tate

Newfoundland in the Great War, 1914-1918

Royal Newfoundland Regiment [RNR]
Total number of Men accepted by the RNR for service overseas 6277
Total number enlisted in Great Britain and accepted for service in RNR 61
Commissioned in Great Britain 1
Sub Total 6339
Total number of Men rejected as medically unfit for service in the Regiment 6184
Total number of Men who offered for service 12523
Total number of Men embarked for overseas from Newfoundland 4984
Total number of Officers and Men who proceeded from United Kingdom to theatres of war
[a] 88 Officers and 1140 Other Ranks served in Gallipoli 1178
[b] 105 Officers and 4108 Other Ranks served in France or Belgium 4253

Casualties of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment
Total Record of Deaths [all Ranks]
Killed in Action 564
Died of Wounds 244
Died of Disease 270
Drowned 2
Accidentally Killed 3
Suicided 1
Number of Officers and Men wounded [which includes Officers and Men wounded serveral times] 2314

Prisoners of War [Regiment]
Number of Officers and Men taken prisoners by the enemy 174
Number who died as prisoners of war in enemy's hands 29
Honors and Awards [Royal Newfoundland Regiment]
Victoria Cross 1
C.M.G. 2
D.S.O. 4
M.C. 28
Bar to M.C. 6
D.C.M. 32
Bar to D.C.M. 1
M.M. 105
O.B.E. 1
Royal Victoria Medal 1
Meritorious Service Medal 2
Mentioned in Despatches 22
Allied Medals 21
Total 234

Royal Naval Reserve
Pre-War Establishment 500
Total Who Served in Navy 2053
Killed in Action 167
Invalided 124

Newfoundland Forestry Corps [Regiment]
Total number of Officers and Men accepted 498
Enlisted and accepted in Great Britain 2
Rejected as medically unfit 278
Total 778

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Military Records Contact: Daniel B. Breen

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