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Newfoundland's Grand Banks Site
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Newfoundland War Memorials

Bell Island Memorial
Bonne Bay Memorial
Cathedral at Amiens, Somme, France, Memorial
Clarenville Memorial
Curling Memorial
Fogo St. Andrews Anglican Memorial Side 1
Fogo St. Andrews Anglican Memorial Side 2
Grand Bank Memorial
Long Island, Notre Dame Bay
New Harbour
Petty Harbour
Portugal Cove ~ St. Philips Memorial
Ramea Memorial
St. Andrew's [The Kirk], St. John's
St. John's Bowring Park Memorial
St. John's Memorial to the Regiment
St. John's National War Memorial
St. John's Infantryman
Summerville Memorial
Torbay Memorial
Trinity Memorial

Page Last Modified: Saturday April 19, 2014 (Dan Breen)

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Military Records Contact: Daniel B. Breen

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