Reports and Updates


Also known as the Manitoba Monthly Surveillance Unit Report, epiSummary provides a monthly review of reportable diseases in Manitoba.  It includes information such as the current number of cases vs. the three-year average; the current monthly rate vs. the three-year average; the current monthly count broken down by RHA; and, the number of  year-to-date cases. Reports before December 2013 are further broken down by age and gender.

Seasonal Influenza Reports

Surveillance data is used to identify and monitor the arrival of influenza, its geographic spread, intensity of activity, characteristics of those infected, as well as severity and changing trends in order to guide prevention and control recommendations.

Within each season you will find weekly reports that provide a “snapshot” of the current influenza activity. At the end of each season is an “end of season report” which presents an overview of the influenza season in question. The influenza season generally runs from October to May of each year.

Chronic Disease Reports

Manitoba provides data and analyses towards the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada.  Through this initiative, Epidemiology and Surveillance uses administrative data to better understand the burden of non-communicable diseases within the province.  If a report is not listed for a topic you are interested in, please do not hesitate to contact the team for assistance.

Annual Reports

All reports which are released on an annual basis

Annual Influenza Report

Surveillance data is used to identify and monitor the arrival of influenza, its geographic spread, intensity of activity, characteristics of those infected, as well as severity and changing trends in order to guide prevention and control recommendations.

This report is produced annually, at the end of each influenza season, and presents an overview of the influenza season in question. The influenza season generally runs from October to May of each year.

Manitoba Immunization Monitoring System (MIMS)

Manitoba’s immunization registry, the Manitoba Immunization Monitoring System (MIMS), became functional province-wide in 1988, making it the first such registry in Canada. The aim of the MIMS Annual Report is to provide an overall picture of immunizations in the province.  This information is used to inform priority setting, policy development, program planning and evaluation.

Manitoba Annual Summary of Communicable Diseases

This report utilizes surveillance data to provide an annual summary of laboratory-confirmed, communicable diseases, in Manitoba. It focuses specifically on infectious diseases listed as “reportable” under The Public Health Act with the exception of Influenza, tuberculosis, and the sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections.

Statistical Update on HIV/AIDS

This report is intended to provide HIV and AIDS surveillance information in Manitoba for new cases reported to the Public Health Surveillance Unit within Manitoba Health from 1985 up to the date of the report. The HIV data presented here includes an examination by:  age and sex distribution, geographic region, ethnicity, and risk exposure category (primary mode of transmission).

Other Reports

All reports that have been released by the Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit that do not follow a repeating schedule.

Public Health
Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living
Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit

4th Floor - 300 Carlton St.
Winnipeg MB  R3B 3M9  CANADA
Phone:  204-788-6396