O histórico de alterações da API do Flickr


Fique atualizado! As alterações estão postadas em nossa conta API no Twitter: @flickrAPI

Adventures in Jank Busting: Parallax, performance, and the new Flickr Home Page http://bit.ly/19GEzZx

4 Jun '13, 3.40 PDT

Redis + MySQL = Performance for Hundreds of Millions of People: http://j.mp/YycfXm

26 Mar '13, 8.56 PDT

Here’s a technical how-to for our Uploadr’s drag and drop features – now with folder support! – http://bit.ly/SRYjSu

10 Dez '12, 2.01 PDT

Soon buddy icon urls will no longer be static if a user changes their icon. Details: http://bit.ly/TCmvK5

11 Out '12, 11.57 PDT

We've updated our version 2 series shapes, with help from a script by @cmanning88 - details: http://bit.ly/QWSeBH

10 Out '12, 3.44 PDT

Flickcurl, a C library for @FlickrAPI has now been updated with full oAuth support: http://bit.ly/OLiGz9 (CC @dajobe )

7 Set '12, 9.14 PDT

Love Objective-C? We are hiring several iOS developers here in San Francisco: http://j.mp/QXZXwJ

21 Ago '12, 6.00 PDT

A request: http://flickr.com/dearinternet #dearinternet #dearmarissamayer

This is responding to the site at http://dearmarissamayer.com/ and the tweets around it. Approved by Shashi / corp comms (via SAW). 19 Jul '12, 9.44 PDT

Working on the @FlickrAPI could be your full time-dream-job. WE ARE HIRING: http://j.mp/KSKH5t

7 Jun '12, 5.00 PDT

Nitty gritty on parsing Exif data with JavaScript: http://code.flickr.com/blog/2012/06/01/parsing-exif-client-side-using-javascript-2/

1º Jun '12, 1.59 PDT

We heard you wanted more group APIs. So we made them: http://code.flickr.com/blog/2012/05/24/group-apis Enjoy!

24 Mai '12, 11.13 PDT

Here's a behind the scenes post on our new HTML5 uploader: http://code.flickr.com/blog/2012/04/25/raising-the-bar-on-web-uploads/

25 Abr '12, 11.15 PDT

More sizes for your apps! Introducing the new 150², 320, and 800 px image sizes. http://j.mp/GF2oo0

20 Mar '12, 3.45 PDT

Here's another #sxsw talk from Flickr. @ysaw is presenting "Creating Responsive HTML5 Touch Interfaces" http://bit.ly/AvENGJ #htmltouch

28 Fev '12, 9.46 PDT

Going to #sxsw? Don't miss the "Geo Interfaces for Actual Humans" talk with our very own @standardpixel http://bit.ly/yraNf7 #GeoHumans

28 Fev '12, 9.37 PDT

Hacking at @PhotoHackNYC and questions about @FlickrAPI? Tweet us and we'll give you our InstantAPIHelp™

25 Fev '12, 10.17 PDT

Taking photos @PhotoHackNYC ? Share them in our @Flickr group: http://flic.kr/g/hNj47 #phd2

25 Fev '12, 9.35 PDT

RT @flickr Come and join us in New York to build some magic with our @FlickrAPI at Photo Hack Day #phd2 http://flic.kr/p/bygrHK

25 Fev '12, 8.45 PDT

Come code with us at Photo Hack Day 2 in New York! http://bit.ly/wroWRR #phd2

24 Fev '12, 9.44 PDT

Working on switching to OAuth for your Flickr app? This overview by @jef_poskanzer might be really helpful: http://bit.ly/xiD9tJ

15 Jan '12, 8.35 PDT

Farewell, FlickrAuth - and how you move over to OAuth: http://bit.ly/z0pNFv

13 Jan '12, 11.37 PDT

RT @dajobe Released Flickcurl C library for Flickr API 1.22 with 9 months of fixes and some OAuth code http://librdf.org/flickcurl/

28 Dez '11, 8.32 PDT

A glimpse into the code that runs the new geofences feature: http://code.flickr.com/blog/2011/09/01/the-code-behind-geofences/

1º Set '11, 11.13 PDT

Use Geofences to keep your places safe. And Pedobear sad. http://code.flickr.com/blog/2011/08/30/in-the-privacy-of-our-homes/

30 Ago '11, 10.33 PDT

Congratulations @masondu & @oscargt! @photobot took first-place at @PhotoHackNYC. Great to see another creative use of the @flickrAPI

22 Ago '11, 3.18 PDT

We've added even more awesome push-related API calls - engage the kitten hose! http://code.flickr.com/blog/2011/08/19/engage-kitten-hose/

19 Ago '11, 1.04 PDT

Join Us at the NYC Photo Hack Day! http://code.flickr.com/blog/2011/08/16/join-us-at-the-nyc-photo-hack-day/

16 Ago '11, 12.46 PDT

Lessons Learned from the Flickr Touch Lightbox: http://bit.ly/n6veD1

21 Jul '11, 8.58 PDT

Don't be so PuSHy http://code.flickr.com/blog/2011/06/30/dont-be-so-pushy/

7 Jul '11, 3.49 PDT

Flickr now Supports OAuth 1.0a! http://code.flickr.com/blog/2011/06/21/flickr-now-supports-oauth-1-0a/

21 Jun '11, 12.15 PDT

Short URLs are bad. Let's try that in full: http://code.flickr.com/blog/2011/06/01/refreshing-the-api-explorer/

1º Jun '11, 3.05 PDT

Did you know about the Flickr API Explorer, now with support for more formats and syntax highlighting? No? Then read this: http://j.mp/kMMNZ

1º Jun '11, 2.59 PDT

Our flickr.photosets.getList API method also returns now date_create and date_updated - http://bit.ly/cF59OA

24 Mai '11, 10.30 PDT

Learn more about the Flickr API tomorrow at MIX 11 in Las Vegas: http://bit.ly/hj2z8Z

11 Abr '11, 8.44 PDT

The Joy of Popup Windows http://code.flickr.com/blog/2011/02/01/the-joy-of-popup-windows/

How we made a reliable contextual login experience. 1º Fev '11, 2.23 PDT

Flickr will support authentication via Facebook and Google this Thursday http://developer.yahoo.com/blogs/ydn/posts/2011/01/third-party-auth

18 Jan '11, 10.56 PDT

The Flickr Developer Guide is released! http://www.flickr.com/services/developer

Check out the blog post on code.flickr.com for more announcement details. 29 Nov '10, 12.04 PDT

Ainda com dúvidas? Verifique code.flickr.com ou as Perguntas frequentes!