Loving Care

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Loving Care

Loving Care is a series of four books for parents of children from birth to age three developed by Nova Scotia’s Department of Health and Wellness in partnership with Public Health Services.


Download the Loving Care eBooks:

Birth to Six Months

This book gives you information about your baby from birth to six months.

File: PDF - 2.67 MB

Six to Twelve Months

This book gives you information about your baby from six to twelve months.

File: PDF - 3.31MB

One to Three Years

This book gives you information about your baby from one to three years.

File: PDF - 4.64 MB

Parents and Families

This book offers information to help parents meet their own physical, mental, and emotional needs. Also, it offers information that will be useful to families whatever their child’s age. Parents and Families contains the contact information for the resources and supports referred to throughout the other books.

File: PDF - 3.74 MB

Linked Index

4 Loving Care books is available for easy searching.

File: PDF - 54.66 MB

*Links within the PDF may not be accessible on BlackBerry devices without a PDF reader app (Kindle, Kobo, qPDF).

As a Public Health resource, Loving Care focuses on information that will help young families to protect, promote, or improve their health, and to prevent illness, injury or disability.

Loving Care has been developed to help parents to better recognize and build on their own strengths as parents.

Three Loving Care books - Birth to 6 months, 6 to 12 months and Parents and Families - are given to all parents in Nova Scotia free of charge from Public Health Services. All four Loving Care books are available for download on this page.

If you are a health or family support professional you may be interested in background information on the development of the Loving Care series.

Infant Feeding:

Breast milk is the only food that your baby needs to grow and be healthy in the first 6 months of life.

We encourage mothers to only give breast milk for the first 6 months and to continue to breastfeed for the first 2 years or longer with appropriate complementary feeding. Information on breastfeeding can be found here: novascotia.ca/dhw/healthy-development/documents/Breastfeeding-Basics-Linked-Index.pdf  (PDF 4.09 MB). You can also find local breastfeeding supports here: first6weeks.novascotia.ca.

How to Feed Your Baby with Infant Formula has been developed for parents who have made an informed decision to feed their baby with infant formula, either using formula alone or in combination with breastmilk.  It tells you what you need to know to feed your baby safely.

If you have questions about how to feed your baby, talk with Public Health, your health care provider or family resource centre.

Other Information:

For information on early childhood programs, contact your Public Health Services office.

Call 811 to speak with a Registered Nurse regarding non-emergency health information for your family.