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  1. If you removed all the arteries, veins, & capillaries from a person's body, and tied them end-to-end...the person will die.
  2. .@TheDegeneration Not sure we landed on Moon? Atop 3,000 tons of rocket fuel, where else do you think Astronauts were headed?
  3. JFK: May 25, 1961 "No single space project...will be more impressive to mankind...or so difficult or expensive to accomplish"
  4. @rikervisor Any time of day or night is a good time to look up.
  5. JFK: May 25, 1961 "I believe this nation should commit landing a man on the moon & returning him safely to Earth'
  6. Archived @StarTalkRadio shows: "Science at the Movies" ; 'Violent Earth"
  7. @muffnman Will fix link. Thanks.
  8. All we need is a preacher to say global warming will bring an end to the world, then people might listen. (via Eisiminger)
  9. @DeleteMyTweets Was never a Pi-maniac. Seven decimals is my long time number: 3.1415926 But my son likes Pi. He's at 57
  10. Actually, there are three kinds of people in the world, those who know mathematics and those who don't.
  11. just an FYI: There are 2 kinds of people in the world -- those who divide everybody into 2 kinds of people & those who don't.
  12. To turn current events into comedy one must understand the news more deeply than the journalists who simply report it.
  13. Live @StarTallkRadio Today, Sun 6pm ET. @TheDailyShow 's Jon Stewart guest. Be there. Listening details:
  14. If Jesus actually arrives May 21, it'll be easy to convince skeptics. If he doesn't show up, do the faithful become atheists?
  15. Mortarboard Math: Diameter of your head in inches is your hat size - measure your head's circumference & divide by Pi (3.14)
  16. @Esceptiquisimo An honor to be included in your latest video. Muchas gracias, señor.
  17. @sturek What's the figure based on, you ask? With a population of 7-billion, about 1/6 of the world is non-religious.
  18. 1.2 billion people in the world think there's no Heaven. But apparently, it's only news when Stephen Hawking says so.
  19. Today, the biggest challenge to space exploration is funding, not engineering. Odd, because fifty years ago this was reversed
  20. Thanks, twitterverse, for allowing me to spam your stream with launch info-bits. Now back to my one tweet per day or two.