Eye Centre

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The Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region Eye Centre provides specialized ophthalmic (eye) services to residents of southern Saskatchewan.

Located within the Pasqua Hospital, the Eye Centre provides general eye care, diagnostic eye tests, specialized therapies, minor eye surgery, ophthalmic resources and patient education. On average, the Eye Centre performs 21,000 procedures each year. The Eye Centre also offers several clinics that focus on specific ophthalmic needs of clients. Low Vision Clinic, Orthoptics and a satellite unit of the Eye Bank of Saskatchewan, are located in the centre. The Eye Centre participates in ongoing national and international research and educational projects and has many links to other related community and professional organizations.

Common Eye Concerns

Eye Centre Services

Eye Clinics

The Low Vision Clinic provides examinations, patient teaching and low vision aids to people with vision loss.

Information for Eye Centre Clients