Mental Health

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Mental Health provides acute inpatient, transitional day treatment and follow-up outpatient mental health care for children, youth and adults, in both urban and rural settings.

Mental health promotion and education programs are available for the public and human services professionals. In addition, Mental Health & Addiction Services funds eight community based organizations that provide valuable programs and services in the community.

Inpatient Mental Health Services

Inpatient Mental Health Services is made up of acute inpatient, day patient and outpatient mental health programs for adults and youth.

In the Community

​Community-based mental health and addictions programs have a long history of providing a wide range of services that enable children, youth and adults to restore and maintain their mental health, without the disruption of an inpatient admission.

Adult Mental Health Clinics

The Adult Mental Health Clinics are part of a continuum of treatment and support services available for adults (age 18 and over).

Mental Health Promotion

Mental health promotion services are intended to improve mental well-being for all citizens in the Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region but particularly children and youth.

Community-Based Organizations

The following community-based organizations are funded by Mental Health Services in the Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region.

ROI Mental Health Report