RQHR Departments & Units

Addiction Services

Adult Immunization

Advance Care Planning

Advance Care Planning is the legal set of directions you develop for your medical care if you are too ill or injured to communicate or make decisions.

Ambulatory Care Services

Antimicrobial Stewardship Program

The Antimicrobial Stewardship Program is an interdisciplinary collaboration that promotes optimal use of antimicrobials, including determination of the need for antimicrobials, and if needed, selection of the right drug, dose, duration and route of administration.

Bariatric Surgical Program

The Bariatric Surgical program assists patients who struggle with obesity, achieve and sustain their health and goals.


The Cardiosciences Program offers an integrated and client-centered approach to cardiac services.

Child and Youth

Children's Program

Chronic Disease Programs

Clinical Quality and Professional Practice

Clinical Quality and Professional Practice provides clinical support to build and enhance the performance of individual teams and the organization.

Communicable Diseases


Community and Preventative Health

Critical Care

Critical Care Units at the Pasqua Hospital and the Regina General Hospital provide care to critically ill clients who require monitoring that is not available on a general nursing unit.

Decision Support and Accounting

Diabetes Services

Diabetes is a chronic condition that stems from the body's inability to sufficiently produce and/or properly use insulin which the body needs to use sugar as an energy source.

Eagle Moon


Emergency Department

Emergency departments throughout the Region provide emergency care services 24-hour-a-day.

EMS Emergency Medical Services


Environmental Health

Ethics Support Services

To help clients understand their choices and make knowledgeable decisions, the Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region has established an Ethics Committee.

Eye Centre

Facilities Management

Health Promotion

Health Sciences Library and Archives

Human Resources


Kidney Program

Canadian statistics indicate that as of 2013, there were 40,385 people on renal replacement therapy - 58% (23,423) on dialysis and 42% (16,962) have a functioning kidney transplant.

Laboratory Services

Long Term Care

Medical Imaging

Medical Imaging services, in the Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region, conducts radiology and imaging tests to assist doctors in diagnosing illnesses or injury, quickly and accurately.

Mental Health

Metabolic and Diabetes Education Centre (MEDEC)

MEDEC provides diabetes education, care and support to adults, youth and children with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes (IFG/IGT), gestational diabetes (GDM), hypoglycemia, or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

Mother Baby Unit

Native Health

Neuroscience and Medicine Inpatient Units


The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Regina General Hospital is the tertiary care centre that provides neonatal services for the population of Southern Saskatchewan. NICU admits infants age 0 to 30 days.

Nutrition and Food Services

The Nutrition and Food Services Department provides food services to the patients, staff, and visitors of the Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region. Registered dietitians, as a part of an interdisciplinary team, provide clinical nutrition services.

Palliative Care

Patient Advocate Services

The Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region encourages patients, resident, clients and families to speak with staff, physicians, and unit managers when they have suggestions or concerns. If you need further assistance, Patient Advocates are available to help you.

Patient Flow

Patient flow is a system wide approach used to identify and resolve delays within the current system in order to improve capacity.

Patient Safety and Risk Management


Pediatric Services in the Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region cares for infants and children up to 18 years of age.

Perinatal Outreach Program

Perioperative Services

Population and Public Health

Practitioner Staff Affairs

Primary Health Care

Public Health Nursing

Quality Improvement and Planning

Regional Infection Prevention and Control


The Region provides inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services for citizens throughout southern Saskatchewan.

Representative Workforce



Sexual Health - S.T.I. Clinic

The Sexual Health - Sexually Transmitted Infection (S.T.I.) Clinic offers free confidential testing, counselling and education to improve sexual health. (This clinic does not provide obstetrical or gynecological services.)

Spiritual Care

Strategic Planning and Reporting

Surgical Access


System Wide Admission & Discharge Department - Designing health care to suit you - our client


Trauma Program

Travel Health Centre

Population and Public Health Services Travel Health Centre provides health services to assist travellers to stay healthy while travelling internationally.

Volunteer Services

Women's Health Centre