Closed Initiatives

Articling Task Force

The Articling Task Force introduced the Pathways Report on articling to Convocation on October 25, 2012, and debated both on that day and November 22, 2012. The Articling Task Force page contains all background materials collected for those debates.

Racialization and Gender of Lawyers in Ontario

The Law Society’s ongoing research and data collection on the demographics of the profession has led to several initiatives, including the one that produced this 2010 report on race and gender in the profession.

Challenges Faced by Racialized Licensees Project

The Law Society of Upper Canada is committed to advancing equity and diversity in the legal profession. In 2012, Convocation created the Working Group on Challenges Faced by Racialized Licensees with a mandate to investigate those challenges and consider strategies for enhanced inclusion at all career stages.