Convocation Reports

The following table lists key Convocation reports only.   See Convocation decisions for more information and a list of all reports to Convocation by date.

Committee / Task Force / Issue Reports
Aboriginal Initiatives Strategy April 2015 – Bencher Susan Hare’s address
October 2014 – Vision for strategy renewal
Access to Justice  (TAG) June 2014 - Access to justice initiative next steps
February 2014 - Treasurer's Advisory Group on Access to Justice (TAG) Working Group Report
Advertising and Fee Arrangements Working Group     February 2016 – Working group established
Alternative Business Structures Working Group

September 2015 -– Interim report – Next Steps
February 2015 – Responses to discussion paper
January 2015 - Interim report
September 2014 - Discussion document
June 2014 - Update report
February 2014 -  ABS Working Group Report - Consultation proposal
June 2013 - Interim report
September 2012 - Terms of reference

Articling Task Force

(see also below - Pathways Pilot Project)

November 2012 - Final report
May 2012- Interim report 
December 2011 - Consultation ReportReport to Convocation.  
October 2011 - Update
September 2011 - Amended Terms of Reference
June 2011 - Terms of Reference
May 2011 - Professional Development and Competence Department Resource report

Audit and Finance Committee

October 2015 – 2016 Budget Summary
October 2014 -  2015 Budget Summary
October 2013 - 2014 Budget Summary
October 2012 - amendments to default period policy
September 2012 - Late Fee and reduced default perioud

Challenges faced by Racialized Licensees Working Group     April 2015 – Interim report
October 2014 – Discussion paper
September 2013 - Update
October 2012 - Terms of reference
Civility May 2010 - Treasurer's report on the Civility Forum
Compliance-based Firm Regulation

January 2016 – Consultation document
December 2015 – Professions to be consulted
October 2015 – Status report
June 2015 – Task force established
April 2015 – Interim report
January 2015 - Information report

Continuing Professional Development Requirement

September 2013 - By-Law amendments re changes to CPD Requirement
May 2013 - Two-year review
April 2012 - Amendements to requirement 
October 2010 - By-Law amendments to implement policy
May 2010 - Adjustment to Calculation of Hours for Newly Called Lawyers and Paralegals
February 2010 - Final report
October 2009 - Consultation report

Equity and Aboriginal Issues Committee See the Resource Centre for reports, model policies and information on the Human Rights Monitoring Group.
See below for Retention of Women in Private Practice Reports
Inter-jurisdictional Mobility Committee - Miscellaneous reports

November 2013-Territorial Mobility Agreement amendments (see page 15 of PDF)
June 2013-Insurance amendments
February 2013 - National Mobility Agreement
November 2011 - Renewal of Territorial Mobility Agreement
October 2011 - Mobility Rights for Québec Notaries, Temporary Mobility for Lawyers from Québec and the Territories
October 2010 - By-Law Amendments re: Quebec Mobility
June 2010 - Mobility Defalcation Compensation Agreement
February 2010 - Quebec Mobility Agreement
June 2006 - Territorial Mobility Agreement
February 2005 - Final report of Sir David Clementi's Review of the regulatory framework for legal services in England and Wales
June 2004 - Amendments to By-Law 33 (Inter-Provincial Practice of Law)
May 2004 - Response to regulatory review of legal services in England and Wales
June 2003 - By-law amendments and fees respecting inter-jurisdictional mobility
April 2003 - Foreign Legal Consultants By-Law
March 2003 - By-Laws respecting Inter-Jurisdictional Mobility
November 2002 - Policy on Foreign Legal Consultants
September 2002 - Federation of Law Societies of Canada - National Mobility Agreement
May 2002 -The Federation of Law Societies Inter-Jurisdictional Mobility Task Force's report: A framework for national mobility.
February 2002 - Interim report on the Federation of Law Societies Task Force on Mobility

Licensing and Accreditation Task Force

October 2011 - Common Law Degree Implementation Committee Report
February 2010 - Federation's report on Canadian Common Law Degree
November 2008 - Law Society Submission to the Federation Task Force on the Approved Common Law Degree - Additional materials  
September 2008 - Results of consultation on articling and professional responsibility and practice training
January 2008 - Consultation report
September 2007
- Interim report
March 2007 - Professional Development, Competence & Admissions Committee Report

Mental Health and Wellness June 2015 – Task force established
Mentoring and Advisory Services Proposal Task Force

January 2016 – New Law Practice Coach and Advisor initiative
April 2015 – Interim report 
November 2013 - Terms of reference

Money laundering January 2009 - Further changes to client ID and verification requirements
October 2008 - Amendments to By-Law 7.1 respecting client identification and verification requirements
April 2008 - Professional Regulation Committee - Amendment to By-Law 7.1 Respecting Client Identification and Verification Requirements
January 2005
- Professional Regulation Committee Report - By-law and Rule amendments
October 2007 - PRC- Consultation on the Model Rule on Client Identification
Ontario Civil Legal Needs Project

November 2011 - The Geography of Civil Legal Services in Ontario
May 2010 - Listening to Ontarians: Report of the Ontario Civil Legal Needs Project
June 2008 - Ontario Civil Legal Needs Project Proposal (Access to Justice Committee)

Paralegal regulation

January 2015 - Two exemptions ended
February 2014-Implementation of Federation Model Code, Accreditation and Audit Framework for Paralegal Colleges, Progress Report on Paralegal Regulation
April 2013 - Progress report on five year review
April 2013 - Number of Paralegal Benchers to increase
November 2012 - David Morris 5 year review of Paralegal Regulation
October 2012 - Licensing Process to be revised 
September 2012 - Professional liability insurance
June 2012 - Law Society Five year review of Paralegal Regulation 
April 2012 - Update on Legal Needs Analysis 
November 2011 - Ties in electon of paralegal benchers and appeals resolution officers
February 2011 - Tribunals - request for equivalency
January 2011 -  Rule Amendments re Paralegals as Witness
June 2010 - By-Law 4 Amendments re: Exemptions and Integration Program
April 2010 - Paralegal Integration Project: Eligible groups determined
February 2010 - Integration program for exempt paralegals
January 2010 - Interim report on exemptions
June 2009 - Framework for first paralegal election
January 2009 -Report to the Attorney General - Implementation of Paralegal Regulation
October 2008 - Rule and by-law amendments, Paralegal Professional Conduct Guidelines
April 2008 - Amendments to By-Law 7.1: Supervision Rules for Paralegals: Amendments to By-Laws 4 and 5: Exemptions from Annual Fee;  Model Rule on Client Identification; Amendments to By-Law 8 - Information; Recent decisions: R. v. Roman Toutissani and Re Dell
March 2008 - Justices of the Peace: Request for Equivalency
February 2008
- By-Law Amendments,Compensation Fund, Projected Operating Budget and Annual Fee
(see also Finance Committee Report)
February 2008 - Composition of Proceedings Authorization Committee
January 2008 - Persons with suspended or revoked licenses
September 200  7 - Trust accounts, fee categories and college course accreditation
June 2007 - Exemption requests
April 2007 - Paralegal Standing Committee report - Exclusions and Exemptions Policy; Competency Profile, Insurance Requirements
March 2007 - Paralegal Rules of Conduct, Licensing By-Law and Exemption By-Law
February 2007 - Start-up budget
February 2007 - Paralegal 'Grandparent status' and 'Transitional' applicant criteria
September 2004 - Paralegal regulation - Proposed approach
May 2004 - Paralegal regulation - A proposed approach: Consultation paper
January 2004 - Government Relations Committee report
- Agreement in principle to regulate paralegals in Ontario
April 2002 - Consultative document for approval - Government Relations Committee
March 2000 - Paralegal Task Force Report
March 2000 - Environmental scan and review of awareness and attitudes pertaining to the regulation of paralegal service providers in Ontario
July 2000 - Law Society analysis of Mr. Justice Cory's report

Pathways Pilot Project

November, 2014 - Licensing Process Financial Assistance
February 2014 - Evaluation process
November 2013 - Proposal for Integrated Practice Curriculum, lawyer contribution
October 2013 - Enhancements to Articling Program
November 2012 - Final report of Articling Task Force

Priority Planning Committee

December 2015 – Strategic Plan Details
October 2015 – Strategic Initiatives for 2015-19 Bencher Term
June 2015 – Status report 
June 2014 - Status of work on priorities
June 2013 - Priority work plan update
April 2012 - Priority work plan
December 2011 - Priorities for 2011-2015 bencher term 
June 2010 -  Update
January 2009 - Work plan
November 2007 - Priorities and next steps

Professional Development & Competence Committee Miscellaneous

April 2011 - Lakehead and Thompson University Applications
April 2008 - Lakehead University Law School Proposal, Private Practice Refresher Program
March 2007
- Proposed Changes to LibraryCo, including to the Unanimous Shareholder Agreement

Professional Regulation Committee - Miscellaneous reports

February 2016 – rule amendments re: conflicts of interest, incriminating physical evidence
October 2013 - Implementation of Federation's Model Code of Professional Conduct
May 2013 - Withdrawal or amendment of particulars and authority to withdraw a regulatory application
September 2011 - Unbundling rule changes, Guidelines for Law Office Searches
January 2010 - Pre-proceeding consent resolution process
January 2009 - Investigations of Licensee Benchers and Staff; Expansion of the Summary Hearing Process
June 2006 - Competence and capacity hearings to be held in public - New 'Emeritus' membership status - Retired members acting as estate trustees exempt from payment of annual fee
January 2006 - Criteria for conduct eligible for regulatory meeting
December 2005 - New by-law on reporting criminal and other charges
June 2005 - Amendments to professional regulation processes including: interlocutory suspension or restriction orders; summary hearings; regulatory meetings; Invitations to Attend
February 2005 - Amendments to Law Society Act - in principle

Real Estate Matters

February 2013 - Real Estate Declaration
October 2012 - Rule amendment re: real estate red flags
February 2008 - Professional Regulation Committee - Amendments to Rules - two-lawyer rule
February 2007
- Professional Regulation Committee report - Amendments to Rules of Professional Conduct
January 2007 - Professional Regulation Committee report - Residential Real Estate Transactions Guidelines (see Feb 2007 report for Rule amendments, See Resource Centre for final version of Guidelines.
November 2005 - Professional Regulation Committee
November 2005 - Professional Development, Competence and Admissions Committee

Real estate fraud (Mortgage fraud) March 2005 - Report on Mortgage Fraud
Retention of Women in Private Practice Working Group

June 2014 - Justicia Project and Parental Leave Assistance Plan reports
April 2013 - Leaving Law and Barriers to
Re-entry: a Studty of Departures from and
Re-entries to Private Practice
November 2012-Parental Leave Assistance Plan
December 2011 - Career counselling pilot program
October 2011 - Extension of Justice and Parental Leave Program
April 2011 - Return to Practice Working Group Report
May 2008 - Final Report
February 2008 - Consultation report
March 2006 - Equity and Aboriginal Issues Committee

Sole Practitioner and Small Firm Task Force February 2009 - Report of the Working Group on Sole and Small Firm Lawyers
March 2006 - Establishment of working group to facilitate recommendations of Sole Practitioner and Small Firm Task Force
March 2005 - Final Task Force report
April 2004 - Interim report to Convocation - Including results of first stage of research
March 2003 - Working Group Report - Establishment of Task Force
Tribunals Committee - Miscellaneous reports

January 2016 – Tribunal Model Three-Year Review
January 2015 - Proposal for review of Tribunal Model
September 2014 - Adjudicator development process, Rule 22.07 amendment
June 2012 - Enhanced tribunals model

February 2012 - New appeal panel rules
October 2011 - Practice Direction on Adjournments
February 2011 - Approach to adjudicator education requirement
January 2011 - Rules of Practice and Procedure amended re: pre-proceeding consent resolution conference 
January 2010 - Posting of regulatory notices
February 2009 - New Rules of Practice and Procedure for Hearing Panels
May 2008 - Draft Rules of Practice and Procedure Consultation
March 2008 - Guidelines for Adjudicators Respecting Oral/Written Reasons for Decision, Publication of Tribunal Decisions - Dismissals of Applications
October 2006
- Adjudicator Code of Conduct
September 2006 - Guidelines for adjudicators respecting oral/written reasons for decision
January 2006 - Publication of dispositions during appeal period
October 2005 - Tribunals committee mandate