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Sep 15, 2017   Notice of Application to Pass Accounts: Unclaimed Trust Fund 

This application to pass accounts will be heard on Thursday, the 14th day of December, 2017 at 10:00 a.m., at 330 University Avenue, 8th Floor, Toronto, Ontario.

Aug 28, 2017   News Release: The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concern about the arrest and detention of lawyer Sylva Mbikayi in the Democratic Republic of Congo 
The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concern about the arrest and detention of lawyer Sylva Mbikayi in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Aug 2, 2017   Public Statement:The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concern about the arrest and detention of lawyers Günal Kurşun, Nalan Erkem, trainee lawyer Şeyhmuz Özbekli and others 
Public Statement: The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concern about the arrest and detention of lawyers Günal Kurşun and Nalan Erkem, trainee lawyer Şeyhmuz Özbekli and other human rights defenders

Aug 2, 2017   Public Statement: The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concern about the treatment of Attorney General Luisa Ortega Dìaz in Venezuela 
Déclaration publique : Le Barreau du Haut-Canada très préoccupé par le traitement de la procureure générale Luisa Ortega Dìaz au Venezuela

Jul 10, 2017   News Release: The Law Society of Upper Canada and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada express grave concern about the arrest and detention of lawyer Taner Kiliç and 22 additional lawyers 
The Law Society of Upper Canada and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada express grave concern about the arrest and detention of lawyer Taner Kiliç and 22 additional lawyers

Jul 6, 2017   News Release: Law Society expresses grave concerns regarding human rights violations against legal profession 
The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concerns regarding human rights violations against members of the legal profession across the globe.

Jul 5, 2017   The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concern about the travel ban against lawyer Fayzinisso Vohidova in Tajikistan 
The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concern about the travel ban against lawyer Fayzinisso Vohidova in Tajikistan.

Jul 5, 2017   The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concern about the impeachment proceedings against Chief Justice Sushila Karki in Nepal 
The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concern about the impeachment proceedings against Chief Justice Sushila Karki in Nepal.

Jul 5, 2017   The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concern about the harassment and intimidation of lawyer Michel Togué in Cameroon 
The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concern about the harassment and intimidation of lawyer Michel Togué in Cameroon.

Jul 5, 2017   The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concern about the conviction and pending charges against lawyer Buzurgmehr Yorov in Tajikistan 
The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concern about the conviction and pending charges against lawyer Buzurgmehr Yorov in Tajikistan.

Jul 5, 2017   The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concern about the harassment of lawyer Muazzamakhon Kadirova (Muazzama Qodirova) in Tajikistan 
The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concern about the harassment of lawyer Muazzamakhon Kadirova (Muazzama Qodirova) in Tajikistan.

Jun 28, 2017   News Release: Panel appointed to immediately review how Law Society regulatory and hearing processes affect Indigenous Peoples 
Law Society Treasurer Paul Schabas today announced the appointment of a review panel to examine the way in which the Law Society and its Tribunal address regulatory matters involving Indigenous persons, complaints, and issues.

Jun 27, 2017   News Release: Chief Justice of Ontario and internationally acclaimed scholar receive honorary LLDs from Law Society 
The Law Society of Upper Canada presented honorary Doctor of Laws degrees, honoris causa (LLD), to The Honourable George R. Strathy, Chief Justice of Ontario, and Dr. John Borrows, at Call to the Bar ceremonies held in Toronto on June 27 at Roy Thomson Hall.

Jun 27, 2017   News Release: Trail blazing judge and Nobel Peace Prize nominee receive honorary LLDs from Law Society 
The Law Society of Upper Canada presented honorary Doctor of Laws degrees, honoris causa (LLD), to The Honourable Juanita Westmoreland-Traoré and Sheila Watt-Cloutier, at Call to the Bar ceremonies held in Toronto on June 26 at Roy Thomson Hall.

Jun 23, 2017   News Release: Former Law Society Treasurer Thomas G. Conway honoured with LLD for exceptional advocacy and leadership 
The Law Society of Upper Canada presented a degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa (LLD), to Thomas G. Conway at its Call to the Bar ceremony on June 23 in Ottawa.

Jun 20, 2017   News Release: The Honourable Mary Jo McLaughlin Nolan receives honorary LLD for her extraordinary mentorship and advocacy for the marginalized 
The Law Society of Upper Canada presented a degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa (LLD), to The Honourable Mary Jo M. Nolan at its Call to the Bar ceremony on June 19 in London.

May 31, 2017   News Release: Law Society expresses grave concerns regarding human rights violations against members of the profession 
The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concerns regarding human rights violations against members of the legal profession across the globe.

May 29, 2017   The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concern about the arrest and detention of lawyer Prawet Prapanukul in Thailand 
The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concern about the arrest and detention of lawyer Prawet Prapanukul in Thailand.

May 29, 2017   The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concern about the conviction of lawyer Li Heping in China 
The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concern about the conviction of lawyer Li Heping in China.

May 29, 2017   The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concern about the trial of lawyer Xie Yang and the detention of lawyer Chen Jiangang in China 
The Law Society of Upper Canada expresses grave concern about the trial of lawyer Xie Yang and the detention of lawyer Chen Jiangang in China.

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