Paralegal Licensing Process

The focus of the Paralegal Licensing Process is to ensure that candidates have demonstrated they possess the required entry-level competencies, in order to provide services effectively and in the public interest. To qualify for admission to the Paralegal Licensing Process, an applicant must have graduated from a Law Society accredited Paralegal Education program.

The Licensing Process consists of the following mandatory components:

 Paralegal Licensing


Be of Good


 Become Licensed

Professional competence is achieved through a combination of knowledge, skills, abilities and judgment. Prior to applying, it is strongly recommended that candidates review the Paralegal Licensing Process Policies and the Licensing Examination Rules and Protocol to familiarize themselves with relevant information.

Paralegal Licensing Process Information Webcast   (Transcript)   

APPLY to Become a Paralegal  

Paralegal Education Information:

For Students        For Colleges