
Secretary General: NATO supports a stable, secure and neutral Moldova
23 Nov. 2017

Secretary General: NATO supports a stable, secure and neutral Moldova

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed Moldovan Prime Minister Pavel Filip to NATO Headquarters on Thursday (23 November 2017). He praised NATO and Moldova’s 25-year-old partnership and reaffirmed the Alliance’s respect for Moldova’s neutrality. “Today we discussed how NATO and Moldova can build on our achievements,” Mr. Stoltenberg said. The Secretary General also announced the inauguration of the new NATO Liaison Office in Chisinau next month, calling it “another step forward in our partnership.”

NATO Review

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    • Autonomous military drones: no longer science fiction 28 Jul. 2017 The possibility of life-or-death decisions someday being taken by machines not under the direct control of humans needs to be taken seriously. Three Norwegian experts take a look at advances in this technology, and at the legal and ethical issues raised.
    • Tackling the surge of returning foreign fighters 14 Jul. 2017 Reflecting public threat perceptions, ‘hard approaches’ towards foreign fighter returnees, emphasising prosecution and long prison sentences, remain popular. But Alastair Reed and Johanna Pohl of the International Center for Counter Terrorism in The Hague argue that such approaches fail to address the entirety of the problem and need to be augmented by ‘soft’ approaches that focus on prevention and rehabilitation.
    • Hybrid influence – lessons from Finland 28 Jun. 2017 Finland has a long history of being a small state living next to a huge and increasingly assertive neighbour, Russia. Two Finnish experts share some of the lessons Finland has learned in recent years.
    • NATO-Russia relations 13 Jun. 2017 Radoslava Stefanova, Head of NATO’s Russia and Ukraine Relations Section, looks back with regret to the honeymoon days of NATO-Russia relations and asks what options remain in the aftermath of Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea and continued aggression on Ukraine.
    • A personal take on NATO-Russia relations 13 Jun. 2017 Fifteen years after the NATO-Russia Council was established, Radoslava Stefanova, Head of NATO’s Russia and Ukraine Relations Section, looks back in disappointment at how the high hopes for the NATO-Russia partnership have been dashed.
    • The Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty: reasons for skepticism 19 May. 2017 Current efforts to ban nuclear weapons will be ineffective and risk undermining the non-proliferation regime, which could have dangerous consequences – Michael Rühle of NATO’s Emerging Security Challenges Division explains.
    • Russian intelligence is at (political) war 12 May. 2017 It would be a mistake to see the Russian security and intelligence services as analogues of those of the West. Mark Galeotti, a senior researcher at the Institute of International Relations Prague stresses that ''in terms of their missions, interactions and mindsets, they are on a wartime footing.''
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    • Spending for success on cyber defence 06 Apr. 2017 Why is it so important to invest in cyber defence? What do nations need to spend on? Neil Robinson of NATO’s cyber defence policy team explains.
    • Ukraine three years on: a basis for optimism 10 Mar. 2017 Three years after the appearance of ‘little green men’ – a prelude to Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea and its so-called hybrid war in the Donbas – James Sherr of Chatham House looks at the issues at stake and the challenges ahead.
    • The Identity of NATO 20 Jan. 2017 The former Vice Chief of Staff at SHAPE, Lieutenant General Michel Yakovleff, reflects on the fundamental nature of the Alliance.
    • Rethinking the way we do anti-corruption 08 Dec. 2016 In the past five years, an EU-funded project set out to assess the success of anti-corruption efforts. Generally speaking, the news is not good. Most simple tools promoted by international anti-corruption efforts do not seem to work.
    • What can we learn today from the ‘three wise men’? 05 Dec. 2016 In the turbulent world of 2016, many of the fundamentals of transatlantic cooperation and western liberalism are being questioned. Learn why the recommendations of NATO’s ‘three wise men’ aimed at strengthening unity within the Alliance are still relevant today, 60 years later.

Event Calendar


Collective defence - Article 5

The principle of collective defence is at the very heart of NATO’s founding treaty. It remains a unique and enduring principle that binds its members together, committing them to protect each other and setting a spirit of solidarity within the Alliance.

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Collective defence - Article 5
NATO’s capabilities

NATO constantly reviews and transforms its policies, capabilities and structures to ensure that it can continue to address current and future challenges to the freedom and security of its members. Presently, Allied forces are required to carry out a wide range of missions across several continents; the Alliance needs to ensure that its armed forces remain modern, deployable, and capable of sustained operations.

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NATO’s capabilities
Partnerships: building security through cooperation

Many of the challenges NATO faces require cooperation with other stakeholders in the international community. Over the past 25 years, the Alliance has developed a network of regional partnership frameworks with 41 partner countries from the Euro-Atlantic area, the Mediterranean and the Gulf region, as well as individual relationships with other partners across the globe. NATO pursues dialogue and practical cooperation with these nations on a wide range of political and security-related issues. NATO’s partnerships are beneficial to all involved and contribute to improved security for the broader international community.

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Partnerships: building security through cooperation
Operations and missions: past and present

NATO is an active and leading contributor to peace and security on the international stage. It promotes democratic values and is committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes. However, if diplomatic efforts fail, it has the military capacity needed to undertake crisis-management operations, alone or in cooperation with other countries and international organisations.

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Operations and missions: past and present