Canada in the Second World War


On the Eve of War

Through the press and radio, Canadians witness the political events that are destabilizing Europe. United, they will once again rise to defend democracy and freedom and help allied countries fight Nazi aggression.

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The Canadians in Order of Battle

In 1939, well aware that the coming conflict would be long and demanding, Canadians went to war at Britain's side. The Canadian government took immediate measures to increase its military strength, to revitalize industry and to mobilize all the resources of the country in preparation for a sustained war effort.

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Roads to Victory

The year 1943 was a turning point of WWII. Allied to serve the common cause of freedom and democracy, Canada, Great Britain, the United States, the countries of the British Commonwealth and free nations suffering under Nazi occupation counter-attacked. Events include: D-Day, Liberation of Netherlands.

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Return to Peace

On May 8th, 1945, crowds of civilians and soldiers, shouting and dancing in the streets, gathered to celebrate V-E Day, the Allies' victory in Europe. War was over but much remained to be done before peace could be restored.

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