Clean Growth: Canada’s Low Carbon Future

The Future is Green

The global economy is moving toward a greener future and Canada is working to keep pace. Natural Resources Canada wants to increase the creation and adoption of clean technologies in key sectors of the Canadian economy: energy, mining and forestry.

You’re probably already using clean technology in your day-to-day life. For example, programmable thermostats that maximize efficiency and off-peak energy usage are saving Canadians money on their heating bills, while helping to prevent carbon emissions. Similarly, Canadian industries will benefit from adopting more clean tech.

Clean Resources Programs and Information

Natural Resources Canada has a number of programs aimed at helping Canadian clean tech companies and entrepreneurs succeed.

Green Jobs
Do you want to be an intern or hire an intern to work in science, technology, engineering and math? Find out how to apply now.

Clean Growth
Looking for funding for your company’s clean tech idea? Start here with our one-window help for businesses.

Generation Energy
The conversation of a generation! See what Canadians had to say about our clean energy future.

Coming soon…

Every day we take another step toward our low carbon future. Look for new programs launching soon in the following areas:

The economic benefit of clean growth

Newly released data from Statistics Canada shows for the first time how clean technologies and environmental goods and services benefit the Canadian economy. Researchers, business analysts, trade associations and governments can now access this data to inform decision-making, improve knowledge and foster innovation.

See the Environmental and Clean Technology Products Economic Account at Statistics Canada for more information.

Clean Technology in Action

Learn more about the projects and companies that are leading the way to Canada’s low carbon future, supported by Natural Resources Canada, by clicking on the photos below.

The Offshore Energy Research Association $1,000,000 for Tidal Energy Project

OERA is working to make tidal energy a reality for Nova Scotia through a partnership with NRCan and the province. As Canada continues to move toward a low-carbon economy, renewable sources such as tidal and wave energy will play an increasingly important role in our power supply.

Location: Nova Scotia

Investment: $1,000,000

Funding Program: Clean Energy Innovation component of the Energy Innovation Program

NB Power Fast Charging Stations
$500,000 for EV Charging Network

NB Power’s eCharge Network will enable drivers of electric vehicles to travel across New Brunswick. The network includes 10 fast-charging stations (400 volt) along the TransCanada Highway from Edmundston to Aulac and 20 standard level-2 charging stations throughout the province.

Location:  New Brunswick

Investment: $500,000

Funding program:  Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment Initiative

New Carbon Capture Technology
$950,000 for carbon capture

The Carbon Capture and Conversion Institute accelerates the development of innovative technologies that will cost-effectively capture carbon dioxide emissions and convert them into useful, everyday products. CO2 could be used in building materials, fuels and consumer-friendly products.

Location: Richmond, British Columbia

Investment: $950,000

Funding program: Oil and Gas Clean Tech Program


We’ve reached the point where we have to pass on to the next generation, a humanity, a civilization that can power itself really without consequence.

We can use the resources that we’ve been given to create this change.

The energy winners are going to be the ones who figure out how to use advances in science and technology to capture energy from renewable sources like the sun and wind, and that also figure out how to store that energy. Store it on a really grand scale.

The cost of solar has come down 80 percent over the past 5 years or so. Lighting has gone from an incandescent to florescent to LEDs at 5 Watts. We’re going see… just continue to see great developments.

Game changing technology that looks at dealing with emissions, improving air quality, and being more energy efficient. Designing your cities to minimize our energy usage.

The technologies will be able to talk to each other so the amount of generation that we need for example is going to be less because we will be able to balance when things get used and when they don’t so we need actually less.

You’re going to see electric vehicles really take their place very soon. And I also think that you’re going to see a huge change in agriculture and the way in which we use energy in agriculture.

We’re just at the beginning of a transformation to a renewable efficient world.

I mean, we all understand the environmental importance and the urgency to society but I actually think there is huge wealth to be gained by being the first movers in the clean tech sector.

But it should be that we are engaging the whole community in leadership and ownership and in the wealth building opportunity that is presented by the clean energy transition. And the beauty of clean energy is, broadly speaking it’s a distributed architecture, you know this distributed energy technology avails itself of more community scale enterprises.

I feel like Canada can be at leading edge of this transformation when the Canadian people apply their ingenuity to it.

What Canadians are telling us

During Generation Energy, we heard from Canadians on their vision for Canada’s energy future. They asked for investments in clean technology research and development, especially in renewable energy. Participants also recommended increasing the use of clean technologies in new home construction, while also increasing tax incentives to encourage the adoption of clean technology by homeowners, landlords and industry.

These Canadian innovators are leading the way to Canada’s low carbon future.

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