Local Energy Efficiency Partnerships (LEEP)

LEEP accelerates energy efficient construction by enabling builders to reduce their time and risk finding and trying innovations that can help them build higher performance homes better, faster and more affordably.  LEEP is delivered on a regional basis with the intent to establish an ongoing critical mass of builders that are capable of pulling through the best innovations suited to their region which can, in turn, pull through a responsive supply chain.  The results include energy savings for home owners, competitive advantage for participating builders and manufacturers, and builder driven enhancement to local building practice.

In the markets where LEEP has been hosted, the builder groups have cumulatively constructed a large fraction of the regional home builds.  LEEP builder participation ranges from small volume custom builders through to the largest tract home builders in Canada.  Through LEEP, builders strive to  improve energy performance by at least 20%. Some builders choose to reach higher performance levels, including  Net-Zero Energy.

Contact  nrcan.LEEP.rncan@canada.ca to explore LEEP delivery options in your area.