Whitehorse Daily Star

Latest History

June 16, 2005

  • Storm slammed, slowed commuters As downtown and Riverdale residents made their way home late Wednesday afternoon under a record amount of rain accompanied by thunder and lightning, Bill Miller was barbecuing at his house in Porter Creek.

January 30, 2004

December 2, 2002

  • We’re a team, new premier declares Premier Dennis Fentie unveiled his cabinet Saturday afternoon before hundreds of Yukoners who packed the government administration building to witness the ceremony.

August 30, 2002

  • Dawson Criminal Re-captured After A Year’s Hunt Swan Harrison, who escaped from the Northwest Mounted police at Selkirk on the Yukon a year ago, has just been captured by members of the same efficient force at a point thousands of miles distant.

September 12, 2001

April 28, 2001

November 28, 2000

  • 'I will work for all' “I don’t like politics that much, but this isn’t bad,” Bagnell told a jubilant crowd of about 80 Liberal supporters at the Gold Rush Inn.

May 26, 2000

  • “We made it!” Despite the doubts, Watson said, “The whole epic up to the top was really so difficult, it felt like a heck of an achievement!”

May 25, 2000

  • Dodging ‘bombs’ on a Logan trek What’s the scariest thing next to climbing Mount Logan blind? How about climbing the southwest Yukon mountain alone, without a compass, an altitude metre or a GPS (Global Positioning System)?

April 19, 2000

  • Climbers found The body of one of two mountain climbers who disappeared on Mount Logan 13 years ago may have been found.

April 18, 2000

  • Big Red Machine steamrolls NDP Now, ’tis the spring of their discontent. That was the sentiment from the voters in Whitehorse Monday as every one of the city’s 10 ridings was awash in Liberal red to create the defeat of the reigning New Democratic Party.
  • Duncan's smile could have lit up city It was the desire for accountability and professionalism that delivered the Yukon its first Liberal government, Government Leader-elect Pat Duncan told an ecstatic party headquarters last night.

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