Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

SENDING A MESSAGE – A group of 11 people presented the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report at Yukon MP Larry Bagnell’s office Wednesday. The concerned constituents also signed a cover letter, which appears on p. 7 in today’s Star.

Climate report delivered to MP’s office

A group of Yukoners delivered the recently released IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Report to Yukon MP Larry Bagnell’s constituency offices late Wednesday morning.

By Whitehorse Star on October 25, 2018

A group of Yukoners delivered the recently released IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Report to Yukon MP Larry Bagnell’s constituency offices late Wednesday morning.

The delivery, and similar ones at constituency offices of MPs across Canada, were initiated by gofossilfree.org, a project of 350.org.

“This is not a rally, but a clear statement to our MP, the Hon. Larry Bagnell, that we would like him to step up as a climate champion and pressure his Liberal government colleagues to strengthen Canada’s international climate commitments, stop fossil fuel expansion and build a 100-per-cent renewable energy economy that respects Indigenous rights and works for everyone,” said Yukoner Jody Overduin.

“To date, this federal government and all previous ones have fallen far short on meaningful climate action.

“The IPCC report makes it clear that immediate meaningful action is needed that goes much further than the half-measures taken to date.

“We are doing this out of concern for our kids, and for everyone’s kids, grandkids and future generations across the globe – not to mention our own generation,” Overduin said.

The delegation plans to follow up Wednesday’s delivery with a meeting with Bagnell early Friday afternoon, assuming he can return in time from Ottawa.

The goal will be to “discuss the report in more detail and to ask him to commit to championing some specific solutions and actions for our Yukon riding,” Overduin said.

“We will also be asking him to become a force for change within the federal Liberal government, pressing for a move from half-measures to a response that reflects the gravity of the threat of catastrophic climate change.”

Comments (15)

Up 5 Down 1

Groucho d'North on Oct 29, 2018 at 4:20 pm

Ola Pedro,
Your comment caused me to wonder about all the Carbon Dioxide that is manufactured on purpose each and every day and if it can be called a pollutant. For starters, all mammals exhale CO2, it is also part of the natural life cycle when things decompose be they animal, vegatable or mineral. But CO2 is made in large volumes for a diversity of applications in our modern life. For example:
*Carbon dioxide has many well-known applications in the food and beverages industry – from carbonating drinks and conserving wine to modifying atmospheres for packaged foods.
*Dry ice – or solid CO2 – is commonly used for storage and transportation of temperature sensitive products such as frozen/chilled foods or medical/ pharmaceutical materials and human transplant organs.
*CO2 is used as a process coolant in food, chemicals, research and pharmaceutical industries and is also an extremely effective and environmentally sound cleaning agent.
*In agriculture, CO2 can be used to enhance growth in greenhouses and as a feedstock for algae that produce bio-oil (green crude).
*The non-flammable properties of CO2 make it a popular pressurising gas for everything from aerosols through fumigants to air guns.
* CO2 is a replacement for blasting powder in quarrying and mining operations in compressed form and a blasting agent in solid form.
*CO2 is also employed in foam blowing, pulp washing, car emissions monitoring and environmental monitoring, fire extinguishing, surgery and sterilising, blood analysis, sample preparation, chromatography and the production of paints and varnishes.
In a pure CO2 environment with zero oxygen, CO2 could be considered a pollutant, but there are few other examples.

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Pedro Ferrero on Oct 29, 2018 at 8:17 am

North Of 60 - CO2 is not a pollutant ? You quite right about that? if you want to ascribe it to Rex, then it confirms that he was right to retire from broadcasting). Is a ‘weed’ a ‘plant in the wrong place’, or something else? Think hard.

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jean on Oct 28, 2018 at 12:08 am

Arbitrarily citing an “urgent need to put a price on pollution,” Trudeau announced nothing more than another socialist wealth redistribution scheme on Tuesday, glaringly self-evident as such. Using an argument that could only be taken seriously by those totally disconnected from reality, Trudeau outrageously promised that “Eight in ten Ontario families will get back more than they pay directly.” That of course means that two out of ten families have to give their money to the other eight out of ten. That’s a ‘climate’ plan?

“Starting next year, it will no longer be free to pollute,” announced Trudeau in referring to carbon dioxide, offering as blatant a display of ‘facts don’t matter’ as one could possibly conjure. The fact is that carbon dioxide is no pollutant and is actually beneficial to life on earth! To suggest otherwise is an outright lie!

Indeed, carbon dioxide has been called “the gas of life” and is most necessary to the survival of all living things on planet earth. If anything, we should all be hard at work trying to produce more carbon dioxide, but obviously that would be as irrational an attempt as trying to reduce it.

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north_of_60 on Oct 27, 2018 at 6:36 pm

The Trudeau-McKenna church of latter-day environmentalists have a plan for reducing Canada’s “carbon emissions,” as they call them, to meet their promises from the Paris Agreement.
It’s an energy tax. (They call it a “price on pollution,” which is an absolute and devious deception.) They are not putting a price on pollution; they are putting a tax on all energy fuels.
CO2 is not a pollutant — ask a plant. Ask a tree. Ask a human being during exhale. Sewage is a pollutant. It causes diseases. CO2 is a nature-produced life-giving and life-enhancing part of our planet’s atmosphere.
Rex Murphy - National Post

Up 25 Down 3

Groucho d'North on Oct 27, 2018 at 8:38 am

While we're on about wardrobe, I see in the image lots of oil-based synthetic materials and not many organic or natural fibres being used. Kinda like when the oil protesters paddled their plastic kayaks in front of the drill rigs in Vancouver some time back. Perhaps it's just the burning of oil products they don't like?
All that aside, The Trudeau Liberal approach to the carbon tax is misguided. For many years now I have been investing in smarter ways to warm my home and transport us in an attempt to reduce my expenditures on fuel- and I admit I was motivated about saving my money more than the world. None the less, our federal nanny government is punishing all Canadians (with a list of exceptions) by creating a big tax grab with no benefit for the environment attached other than to build up their pre-election war chest. I hope they leave some money in the bank after they get tossed out next year.

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Moose on Oct 26, 2018 at 4:01 pm

@north of 60.

Well if you really want to play that game, Harvard on a whole is telling us that climate change is real, is mostly man made right now and is a serious threat. In agreement are MIT, Oxford, Yale, Cambridge, the Max Planck Institute and McGill along with countless others. So it's very disingenuous of you to use the predictions of Al Gore to try and discredit a whole scientific branch of study. Also, for the record, I don't believe he or anyone else, at least no climatologist, predicted the end of the world or anything close to it in any of those years. What they have predicted is an increase in extreme weather and temp swings which we certainly have experienced this year around the globe. You have to be willfully ignorant to not connect the dots.

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TheBlindLeadingTheBlind on Oct 26, 2018 at 3:19 pm

Has anyone commenting here actually seen the Report in question ? Delivering a copy to Larry Bagnell is like handing a Compendium of Mongolian Rabbit Herders to a Fork-lift truck operator and asking for an original thought in return, preferably before lunch.

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Otto Partridge on Oct 26, 2018 at 2:44 pm

Ah yes, the whole "they're not wearing workin' mans clothes...."
When you have nothing else, attack their clothes.
A bold move....
Or better yet, how come they ain't driving no lifted Cummins!
Best yet though is good old North_of_Alex_Jones' penis enlargement comparison. Now THAT'S keeping the discussion at a high level! Well done sir!
As another commenter so aptly quipped, you shake the tree hard enough and the nuts fall out. The all too familiar nuts.

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Sam McGee on Oct 26, 2018 at 1:14 pm

"well-heeled yuppie champagne socialists" I love that term! PSG, do you mind if I borrow it?

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ProScience Greenie on Oct 26, 2018 at 12:46 pm

Not sure what is more lame, Trumpian Soros conspiracy theorists or well-heeled yuppie champagne socialists wanting to carbon tax anything with a pulse.

Would give anything for a time machine to return to the days when the right and the left leaned towards the political centre, not the lunatic fringe extremes.

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Carhart on Oct 25, 2018 at 5:31 pm

Not a working pair of pants in the crowd.

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Sam McGee on Oct 25, 2018 at 5:10 pm

These guys look like a commercial for the Arc'teryx Brand of trendy and overpriced outdoor clothing. I mean look at them....you can't look anymore granola than that! How can the Whitehorse Star call them a "delegation" when they are clearly just a bunch of left-wing social justice warriors that are on a virtue-signalling crusade.

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YT on Oct 25, 2018 at 4:39 pm

I always enjoy climate related articles in the Star, it's like shaking a tree and watching the nuts fall out.

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north_of_60 on Oct 25, 2018 at 3:59 pm

Harvard U. Physicist rejects new UN IPCC report:

The boys have cried wolf too many times
I am no longer reading this garbage – and neither does an overwhelming majority of the people. There’s absolutely no true, useful, or original content in this stuff. Almost identical predictions have been proven incorrect hundreds of times. Self-described “climate scientists” and their public faces such as Al Gore have been predicting the end of the world for 2000, 2009, 2010, 2015, and every other year. Jehovah’s Witnesses can no longer compete in the number of these failed predictions of the end of the world. Nothing that would even remotely resemble their doomsday predictions has ever materialized.

These days, similar claims are on par with the spam about penis enlargement.

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lie detector on Oct 25, 2018 at 3:56 pm

Another George Soros foreign funded eco terrorist lobby front group spewing lies. Follow the money. George Soros is one of the most evil entities that exists on earth who profits from death and destruction. Perhaps one day soon the crimes against humanity will be common knowledge for all.

George Soros interview (1998)

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