Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Gord Fortin

WHO WOULD DO THIS? – Nine-year-old Abrielle Rix (centre) was shot by a paintball gun Monday in Whitehorse. She is seen this morning with her mother and father, Alison and James Rough. Star photo by GORD FORTIN Left: ATTACK LEAVES CONTUSION – Abrielle Rix, nine, was left with a bruise on her right arm after being shot with a paintball gun on Monday. Photo submitted

Paintball shot hurts girl walking home from school

Three 17-year-old males have been arrested in relation to two hit-and-run incidents involving a paintball gun.

By Gord Fortin on October 24, 2018

Three 17-year-old males have been arrested in relation to two hit-and-run incidents involving a paintball gun.

Whitehorse RCMP said Tuesday afternoon the first incident took place at 4 p.m. Monday in Riverdale.

A nine-year-old girl was walking home from school when individuals in a white hatchback pulled up behind her and shot her with a paintball gun.

The car drove past her and eventually turned around. When it passed her again, it splashed water on her from a rain puddle.

The next incident occurred not long after. The second person was hit with a paintball on Seventh Avenue at Wheeler Street. The suspects were seen leaving in a white hatchback.

The three males were arrested Tuesday evening, police said this morning. Due to their ages, their names cannot be published.

The pending charges have not been finalized, but the trio is facing charges of assault with a weapon and possession of a weapon for dangerous purposes.

Abrielle Rix, the nine-year-old girl who was attacked, and her parents, Alison and James Rough, spoke with the Star this morning about the incident.

Alison said her daughter was walking home from school with a friend at the time. Normally, the girl is driven to school by her mother, and her father picks her up.

The friend walked with Rix for most of the journey, but the two children parted ways around Lewes Boulevard. Her daughter was walking on Klondike Road at the time.

James said he remembered asking his daughter if she was sure she wanted to walk home because of Monday’s rain. She said yes, so he approved because she was not walking alone.

Alison said the paintball attack came without warning – and was clearly no accident.

“It was deliberate,” she said.

Rix said the paintball hurt when it hit her. It shoved her slightly, but did not knock her down.

“It pushed me a little but I was OK,” the girl told the Star.

She said the incident made her feel both mad and sad at the same time.

The hatchback’s occupants laughed at her afterwards, which hurt, she said.

She added she would recognize them if she saw them again. She did not see the paintball gun nor the vehicle’s licence plate.

As for being splashed, she said it soaked her a little, and it was cold that day. Her parents estimated she was about halfway home when she was attacked.

Rix did not need medical attention, but she was left with a bruise on her right upper arm. She said it doesn’t hurt to move it, but it is sensitive.

The orange paintball left a small hole in Rix’s orange tiger shirt, which was not ruined.

James said he was enraged when he found out. He explained he was watching a funny video his wife shared when his son knocked on the door to tell him what happened.

His son said his sister had been shot. There was a pause before he clarified a paintball gun had been involved.

“In that pause, my heart skipped,” James said.

He ran out to see his daughter, who told him what happened. He told her to get into their van, and they went out to look for the suspect vehicle.

He ran into his sister at Riverdale Super A. He told her what happened and to keep an eye out for the white hatchback.

They went back home. He called Alison multiple times at work. She missed many of these calls, but he eventually reached her.

He said he informed her of the incident in the same way his son did.

After that, he called the RCMP and provided all the details he could. The police arrived 10 minutes later, and Rix gave them a statement.

Alison said she felt the police took the incident seriously.

“They (police) were right on the ball,” James agreed.

Rix joked that her dad told her the police may look big and scary, but inside, they’re big teddy bears.

Both her mother and father have been scanning the Internet since the incident, looking for more information. Both question what kind of human being would do this to a nine-year-old, and find it funny enough to laugh at her.

Alison was born and raised in Whitehorse, and this incident comes as a shock to her. People didn’t have to worry about this kind of thing in the past, she pointed out.

James said he is happy that police have made arrests and that the culprits “get what’s coming to them.”

Both parents are now hesitant to let their daughter walk home from school.

James said the odds are it won’t happen again, but it will always be something in the back of his mind now.

Alison added that Rix did not walk home Tuesday, and doesn’t think she will for a while. The girl has not missed school as a result of the attack.

The Roughs have not spoken with the other victim. Alison said she is interested to see how that person is doing.

Police are asking anyone with information on this case to call them at 667-5555.

Comments (34)

Up 3 Down 0

A Relative Of The Victim on Oct 30, 2018 at 10:20 am

@ Max Mack
A paintball gun is a firearm as stated under The City of Whitehorse Bylaw 127. As it falls under the classification of “air gun”.

City of Whitehorse Bylaw 127 - Section 2(b)
"Firearm" shall include airguns, air-pistols, BB gun, BB pistol or any spring- loaded or spring-fired type of weapon designed to fire a BB pellet, shot or slug and any bow and sharp or metal clad arrow or sling shot.

City of Whitehorse Bylaw 127 - Section 7. Any person found guilty of an infraction of this bylaw before a Magistrate having jurisdiction within the City of Whitehorse shall upon summary conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) where proceedings are commenced pursuant to the summary conviction provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada. (Bylaw 2006-17 passed May 8, 2006)

Up 16 Down 0

Mertz on Oct 29, 2018 at 5:37 am

My grandson was 17, when, with a few buddies, on their bikes, shot a man riding a bike, with a paint gun ( late at night). He had taken his father's paint gun without permission! The law is very strict, in Ontario, and the aftermath of this; he could not take his law courses! Today, he is working, owns his own home, and is a law abiding citizen at 27 years of age. I know the monetary fine was huge (he had to find a job to pay it back to his parents). He had a curfew that infringed on his nights for the rest of summer! Probably a criminal record! Let's be fair, penalize them, so they realize that what they did was a crime committed on this young girl!

Up 11 Down 2

Doug Ryder on Oct 28, 2018 at 8:01 pm

In conversation with Max Mack - I have provided factual information regarding non-real guns, law, case law and the like. Courts are relatively free to determine their own facts based on the particular circumstances of a particular case. This is always subject to appeal of course on error of law or fact.

I have not seen the paintball gun that was used to seriously injure the 9 year old child. It does not matter. Nor did I state that the paintball gun was a replica gun. This I do not know. However, I quoted the state of the law to say “Ontario, like much of Canada and the United States, has laws in place to regulate the use of paintball guns. Paintball guns are typically considered to be firearms... ”

Nor do I have any rage on the issue. But the suggestion that these 17 year old boys should be diverted is perverted. They should be sentenced for having committed a firearms offence against a young person.

Max Mack - I have to wonder if you attended the same school of logic as did Woodcutter and Donovan? Rage... Pfft... You know what they call that? A thinking error. Perhaps the 3 of you can learn reading comprehension together. Learn the art of disputation and the role of logic and reasoning.

People are generally tired of watching and being impacted by the Schmidt Show of licentious, liberalism gone wild. No consequences for anything - murder 4 years less times served, manslaughter 2 years less a day with eligibility for Territorial parole and courtesy of liberal-Max-Mack, not even so much as a slap on the wrist for shooting a little 9 year old girl - WTF Yukon? Really?

Yes... The good people eh? Where are they? Pillars of the community - Running group homes, working for justice, sons and daughters of social workers, lawyers, and judges, offspring of liberal politicians - Yes, the good people!

Up 3 Down 8

Max Mack on Oct 27, 2018 at 2:29 pm

@Doug Ryder
Have you seen the paintball gun in question? How do you know it is a replica or imitation firearm? Sounds like you are assuming an awful lot here. Or, maybe you have magical powers?

Second . . . your assertion that the ruling in R vs Dunn regarding "air guns" applies in this situation is questionable. The circumstances do not seem to fit. There does not appear to have been any attempt to disguise the paintball gun as a real firearm in the commission of an offense. FYI - the ruling in R vs Dunn was in November 2014, not this Wednesday.

17-year olds are still children, whether you or other posters like it or not. The law heavily disagrees with you on this point. (Although, I will agree with you that many folks tend to view 17-year old males as "young men" and 17-year old females as "girls" or "children".)
And I think you need to go back and re-read my posts. Put your rage aside for a minute.

Up 12 Down 0

Ali on Oct 27, 2018 at 1:59 pm

My brother went through diversion at 14 and has never been in trouble since (he's in his 30's now). The thing is, it was for spray painting property. I remember as a child him carefully picking up spiders and putting them outside. He would never target and cause hurt to anybody, unlike these sick f*cks.

Up 18 Down 0

WhoseKids? on Oct 27, 2018 at 9:24 am

Whose kids are allowed to own a bunch of paint ball guns? At close range this weapons can do some serious damage to specially if directed at the face area.

Diversion programs are not what these trio need. They knew what they were doing and should be treated as adults. Too many “kids” to be treated as adults with the privileges that are attached. These “kids” will want to revert back to child status because the consequences of their behaviour could be dire.

I have little time or patience for 17 year olds committing driveby shooting? If they want to live in the adult world then so be it.

Where are the parents in these situations that allow possession of these guns? Teaching right and wrong isn’t a hard life skill to learn. But using these weapons outside of their intended purpose is wrong. And for those that say these three are just kids, or that kids will be kids.......past behaviour is always an indicator of future behaviour.
I wonder if their peers sat in judgement what the results would be?

Up 16 Down 2

Doug Ryder on Oct 26, 2018 at 6:53 pm

@ Max Mack - Did you mean diversion or perversion program for youth? Intentional, serious, personal-injury offences involving firearms against 9 year old children should not be diverted.

When used to commit a crime, replica firearms are included in the broader Criminal Code definition of "imitation firearms". There is a mandatory minimum penalty of one year in prison if an imitation firearm is used to commit, to attempt to commit, or during flight after committing, a serious criminal offence, such as kidnapping, robbery or sexual assault. This sentence must be added on to the sentence for the main offence.

Ontario, like much of Canada and the United States, has laws in place to regulate the use of paintball guns. Paintball guns are typically considered to be firearms and proper safety and precautions must be taken to prevent serious injury. These paintball gun laws are vital information for all paintball enthusiasts in Ontario, Canada.

On Wednesday, November 5, the Supreme Court of Canada issued its ruling R. v. Dunn, finding that most air guns are considered “firearms” for all purposes in the Criminal Code except for licensing and registration.

17 year old children no matter how badly they are raised, regardless of what gun-culture they reside in, and particularly irrespect of who their pillars of the community parents are should do time for firearms offences against children.

It is not a joke to terrorize young children. That is not wild-eyed emotion speaking Max Mack - It is just plain, common sense.

But thanks, thank you for highlighting the fact that their parents are now the pillars of the community - The good folks, right? It goes a long way to explaining the high rates of substance use, violence and sexual violence related behaviours - The “good” [sic] people did it too!

Up 13 Down 33

Max Mack on Oct 26, 2018 at 12:12 pm

The hang-em-high crowd is out thick as thieves on this story.
People assume that I care nothing for the little girl because I'm not ready for a lynching. Sigh.

There is a diversion system in place for youth, exactly for situations just like this. Perhaps these three boys should be charged. Perhaps not. Whether they go through the diversion process will depend on many factors.

I'm asking people to keep this in context. Instead, I get threats, ad hominem attacks and wild emotion.
Note to self: never get in the way of a pitchfork-wielding mob.

Up 26 Down 3

woodcutter on Oct 26, 2018 at 9:27 am

@ Max
I can't believe your saying this. Is it because you're not personally involved, not your child, so let's not over react? Then people complain about "liberal" courts. Sure we didn't shoot you with a firearm only a paint ball gun. Perhaps if I blast you with a potato gun, I could still have the opportunity to grow up to be an outstanding citizen.

Up 30 Down 0

AG on Oct 26, 2018 at 9:12 am

@Max Mack
Do you have children? Because as a parent this story bothered me on a personal level. If you have kids, and you're making light of this story by saying it's only a paintball gun, then I feel bad for you. That's like saying someone only broke one finger in this persons hand instead of the whole hand.
This type of behavior needs to be nipped in the bud, as the "kids" are 17, I highly doubt this is the worst thing they've ever done.
We as a community should be outraged and ashamed that this kind of thing even happened.

Up 31 Down 2

Respectfully Disagree on Oct 26, 2018 at 9:10 am

@Max Mack
I have to respectfully disagree with your statement.
This was a bad case of judgement by seventeen year old boys, yes, but let's be honest - at seventeen, you know the difference between right and wrong. Their humour needs more than a reality check, because nothing about this situation is funny.
Let's start with the fact that those boys stopped close to this defenceless little girl and purposefully shot at her. She is LUCKY that they only got her arm and left a bruise. Having multiple family members who work or have worked the front lines of healthcare here and in bigger centres such as Toronto, having heard stories of paintball gun injuries, if that had hit her in the neck or face some of the more serious injuries she could've sustained are: a collapsed trachea, losing an eye, having teeth knocked out, or even, yes, potentially death. It's not a matter of IF this was dangerous, it absolutely WAS dangerous and reckless.
And there was more than physical damage done to this little girl - there was psychological damage. A little girl who once enjoyed the privilege of being able to walk to and from school is now terrified to do so, and honestly, rightfully so.
This is absolutely, without a doubt, assault with a weapon. These seventeen year olds need to understand the gravity of what they did, and giving them a slap on the wrist will not do this. I'm not saying bring out the stocks, but I do believe they should be tried as adults.
I wish all the best to this family, and I hope that Abby heals well both physically and mentally.

Up 24 Down 1

Family valued on Oct 25, 2018 at 10:11 pm

Kind of makes me wonder if any of these youth have a younger sister and what they would think if it was one of their siblings. Think about that you imbecilic p***ks. Don’t for one second claim they’re just young, being stupid, or are just boys being boys, what they did was wrong so ‘man up’ and be accountable for your behaviour lads. And parents, raise your damn sons (and daughters) to be better, and adjust your damn selves as well and start paying attention to your kids activities.

Up 40 Down 4

Darrell Drugstore's smartest neighbour on Oct 25, 2018 at 2:23 pm

HEY MAX can I shoot you with a paintball gun?
After all "it's not likely to cause anything more than a bruise"

Up 29 Down 4

Bob Ablanalp on Oct 25, 2018 at 2:21 pm

If this young girl is worried about going out next Wednesday evening maybe
we should all make a trip to her house and offer her our entire bowl of
Halloween candy

Up 30 Down 3

woodcutter on Oct 25, 2018 at 2:00 pm

just wait until your court date is done. We live in a small town, soon enough we will all know who you are. I feel anger over what you did, it could have been anyone of our children. I feel sorry for the karma that will visit you for the childish behavior and acts of violence you have visited on our streets. I feel understanding for the parents, on how hurt they must feel.

Up 35 Down 3

Groucho d'North on Oct 25, 2018 at 1:02 pm

Reinstituting the public stocks gets my vote too. It's a simple and effective way of administering justice where the public deals out the penalties they believe fit the crime. Clearing our present justice system is failing our society in all ways.

Up 12 Down 63

Max Mack on Oct 25, 2018 at 12:52 pm

We can all agree that it was nasty ploy by three teenage boys to use a paintball gun against a kid. Their sense of humour definitely needs a reality check.
But, let's not lose perspective here. A paintball gun is not a firearm, and a paintball gun is unlikely to cause anything more than bruising.

I know many "upstanding" citizens in our fine city who were once terrible little sh**s and did awful nasty things to other kids. If we threw the book at them, they may never have grown up to become the fine "upstanding" citizens that they are today. Let's not overreact.

Up 42 Down 0

Studebaker Dunlop on Oct 25, 2018 at 12:08 pm


How stupid do you have to be to shoot a little girl walking home from school ?
I volunteer to perform lobotomies on these morons.

Up 47 Down 2

LadyElle on Oct 25, 2018 at 10:55 am

Some may say this was an example of boys being boys. Well, in this day and age, teenage boys antics come under scrutiny more so than in the past. Individually, these boys may not have acted this way on their own but, get them together and it almost turns into a pack mentality. In cases like this publication of names may be a deterrent to future bad behaviour because their parents would be marked as well. The violence displayed by pointing a weapon at a defenceless young child is a cowardly action. Laughing at her after wounding her is sadistic. Driving by and soaking her was the final insult. I agree with the comment suggesting they should suffer the same punishment they doled out. These boys need to be stopped ... now ... before they become predators loose on the street.

Up 45 Down 2

Mr M on Oct 25, 2018 at 7:41 am

Idiots. Publish their names. Humiliation is a good thing sometimes. This girl is too young to realize that there are idiots out there. Get better and stay strong young Abrielle.

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Sharon choy on Oct 25, 2018 at 6:03 am

Let's not be so quick to blame the parents here. Kids from good homes with caring parents sometimes do stupid things. It's the boys' fault, not the parents'

Up 31 Down 7

Josey Wales on Oct 24, 2018 at 10:48 pm

Gee...bummer we will never know the identity of this alleged hat trick of up and scummers.
Team Red, the team Mr. Dress Up represents....brought us the Young Offenders Act. Huge a thug light so ta speak, easing them into perpetual victimhood and a lifetime of lame excuses.

Please remember this when and if you vote, unless you enjoy all the carnage as ones community decays...as ours has.
Glad no one lost an eye, got shot by cops having to think on their feet.
That said, give it time...play stupid games win stupid prizes.
....unreal, freakin brats....spay and neuter folks as there is enough stupid in this world.

Up 47 Down 1

Pjt1959 on Oct 24, 2018 at 9:56 pm

This should go to adult court and let the names out. This was not a simple prank this was a criminal act using a vehicle. Yes it should affect their lives with a criminal record. I know there is going to be those that disagree. Well all I can say is, if it was your child assaulted with possible permanent results what would you do? They showed no respect. Know this child will have to look out as it’s possible they will want hurt as they got caught. At minimum none of them should have a license for 10 years.

Up 32 Down 0

Gary on Oct 24, 2018 at 9:05 pm

So sad to read this! Lets hope these boys get a hell of a lot more than a light slap on the wrist! Or probation. Good juvenile time should fix this problem!

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Shelly on Oct 24, 2018 at 8:54 pm

She is one tough girl. Big bruise and she is still out there and going to school. Those boys are complete losers. Going after a 9 year old. What fine men they are. She is tougher than they are. She was alone where they were only brave in a group. She is no victim. She made her way home and continues to go to school. I applaud you young lady.

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AG on Oct 24, 2018 at 7:18 pm

This is beyond ridiculous. I hope these "kids" get more than a slap on the wrist. Their parents need a smack too.
We were all young once, we were all doing stupid things, even shooting at highway signs, etc.
There's a huge difference in shooting a sign and hurting a little girl.
This story has me seeing red. I hope the poor girl and her parents get some justice. Hopefully she won't be too traumatized by this callous attack.

Up 14 Down 22

Joseum Wales on Oct 24, 2018 at 6:31 pm

This is Whitehorse and they were young offenders. There may be Gladforyou considerations and the youth factor at play.
It's best to treat these young men lightly so as not to set them on a crime trajectory. If they apologize and pay $25 or $30 each then the young offenders and their families can put this youthful mistake behind them.

It could have been much worse and the victim may be alright over time. The important thing is to keep these young gentlemen in school and out of jail.
Our justice system is a model for the rest of the world.

Up 35 Down 1

Master B on Oct 24, 2018 at 6:26 pm

Lock them away so they can benefit from the programming at the juvenile detention centre.

Up 40 Down 4

Henry Wensleydale on Oct 24, 2018 at 4:45 pm

The girl could have easily lost her eyesight if she had been hit in the face.
20 lashes and a week in stocks on main street are what these gutless punks deserve.
Of course all that they will get is a stern warning in the city that lets murderers out of prison in 5 years.
Any members of our new City Council going to look into this?

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Bigtittygothgirl on Oct 24, 2018 at 4:40 pm

These kids should be trialed as an adult for the serious lack of empathy on bringing harm to such a young person they clearly are psychopaths in the making.

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BnR on Oct 24, 2018 at 4:34 pm

One thing to keep in mind, even good parents can end up having crappy kids.
Regardless, it's a small town in many ways, and the names of these pukes are out there.
Y'know, for many of us, we had grandparents, some even had parents, who signed up at 17 to serve Canada in one of the great wars. And these young men can't be named because of their age? Old enough to to drive, old enough to take responsibility, publicly, for their actions.
So glad the young lady wasn't badly hurt.

Up 97 Down 7

Lock them away!!!! on Oct 24, 2018 at 3:50 pm

I've been to the juvenile detention centre--a horrible place to be incarcerated. It's not a nice place to be...please lock these three up for as long as possible. Send a message that it's NOT OKAY, that the justice system TAKES ASSAULT WITH ANY KIND OF GUNS ON CHILDREN in the most serious terms. What if she'd been shot in the eye? Blinded? Hit in the ear and gone deaf? I sure hope that karma will also get these three. Better watch out teenage idiots--evil actions beget evil consequences. And to the parents of these boys--great job. You must be very proud right now.

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Adam on Oct 24, 2018 at 3:40 pm

Back in the old days, the community would just line those boys up and shoot them with their own paintball gun.

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Just Sayin' on Oct 24, 2018 at 3:29 pm

I am so sorry for this girl getting hurt. Seriously publish these kids names so the parents can be shamed in public too. This is beyond awful.

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